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  1. F

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hey im new here but i have been reading the forums for a while and has helped out a lot. i have a plant at one month old standing at 13 in can you tell me if it is growing at a healthy rate. i will be posting some pics of it later
  2. F

    yea im new...

    hey everyone i have been reading the forums on here for a while and they have been very helpfull. so i decided to make an account. i am currently growing two plants right now. one of them is one month old and is standing at 14in tall. can anyone tell me if my plant is growing at a good rate. i...
  3. F

    Welcome New Members!

    hey my plant just reached one month old and it is at 14in, can anyone tell me if it is growing at a heathy rate. i will be posting some pics of it later