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  1. MJRJ

    first Time

  2. MJRJ

    first Time

    these are the only to that have actually showed growth...i have six growing and the others are still in the shells trying to come out of the dirt..does this mean these are males and the others are females cuz they are all getting the same treatment but they arent growing close to the same rate
  3. MJRJ

    Canadain Growers Club

    just as like a greneral guess im gunna say 10-15 a gram maybe? anyone got any ideas?
  4. MJRJ

    Canadain Growers Club

    hey im somewhat new at this but i was just wondering how much durban poison runs for as in how much a dime,20,8th,q?
  5. MJRJ

    first Time

    my B i meant how do i start my owen thread so i can stop bummin off other peoples
  6. MJRJ

    first Time

    how do i though?
  7. MJRJ

    first Time

    ya i gotta find my camera and i will but first how do i start my own threads on this website i have a few questions to post
  8. MJRJ

    first Time

    why what does the dieing one have?
  9. MJRJ

    first Time

    its kind of a downer on the time frame
  10. MJRJ

    first Time

    there isnt much to see it just started comin out of the ditrt and its like half inch tall but the stem holding the first two leaves is blacking and really small...the top is also drooping
  11. MJRJ

    first Time

    my little srouts are dieing how do i save them if the stem is turning black
  12. MJRJ

    Whyyy YOU LITTLE MOTHER..........

    how do i post things like this im new and very confused and have some questions anyone wanna help?
  13. MJRJ

    hey guys im new to this and i have a few questions how would i post them?

    hey guys im new to this and i have a few questions how would i post them?
  14. MJRJ

    What Yall Think? Any Advise Or Tips?

    how do i post a question i have?