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  1. scott1208

    4 plants, 1300W in a 4'x8' Tent, My First Grow

    Yeah, it gets the humidity up to about 50% if its on full, and puts just under 1 gallon into the air in 24hrs. the humidity is in the twenties with out it. I did take it out since i switched to flower yesterday but thought it would be advantageous during growth. I was planning on using it...
  2. scott1208

    4 plants, 1300W in a 4'x8' Tent, My First Grow

    sweet, thanks. Ill switch them over in the morning then. Thanks a lot
  3. scott1208

    When to flower?

    Hi, i was hoping to get some input from experienced growers about this set up. I have a set up that is intended for more plants than i have currently. Its an 8'x4'x7'tall grow tent with 2 600W Lights and I only have 4 plants this time, my first time by the way. So i want to get as...
  4. scott1208

    Laceygirls Grow

    hi, good journal. im growing in a tent too, i havent gotten into multiple tents yet but its cool to see how you have evolved to that. was wondering if your address gets flagged or something if they find seeds headed to you? is it harder to get stuff mailed once they find u once?
  5. scott1208

    4 plants, 1300W in a 4'x8' Tent, My First Grow

    Yeah, Im not sure how long to let them grow. they are only about 18 inches so i was gonna go a while. with the two lights how long does anybody think it would be best to grow them? the tent was i think $650 i think the brand is hydro hut or someting like that that video of cheech is cool, i...
  6. scott1208

    4 plants, 1300W in a 4'x8' Tent, My First Grow

    So this is April 11, i got my starters about a week ago. I have two strains going, i got a big headstart after setting my tent up and got 4 plants that a friend had started in 16oz cups, they were already over a foot tall. actually one was bigger and had been neglected off to the side of the...