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  1. N

    DXM Tolerance Question

    You apparently ignored the part where I stated that it was a hypothetical scenario. I don't intend on dosing daily for a week, I merely wanted to get a feel of how the tolerance works. Any idea how much this tolerance would increase each day? Assuming the weight is around 140 give or take 10...
  2. N

    DXM Tolerance Question

    How fast does tolerance build on DXM? If one does dxm for a week straight(hypothetical situation, haven't done this myself) in doses of 150-230mg, will they build a tolerance by the end of the week? What will happen if they space out a 1-3 days between each? Anyone have experience with this?
  3. N

    New Yorkers

    Anyone know when the Assembly Codes Committee plans on looking at the bill?
  4. N

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm new hi.