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  1. O

    yellow leaves

    txs you guys. That helped a lot to clarify things. I got a month or two to go still on some of those ladies... I only used slow release cause I was on a budget. Next round I'll try something else. If ya don't hear from me it all went well :)
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    yellow leaves

    Thank you so much for your answer. It helps a lot to have another opinion. I'll get some Cal/Mag and see how that works out. Why do you advice against slow release fertilizers? They worked great up to this point. Just curious...
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    yellow leaves

    Hey, I did read all the posts first. Im not just posting without doing my homework. To me this looks like they are out of nutrients. They re starting to feed off the bottom leaves and I heard that the slow release fertilizer don't last as long when its hot. So that would make sense. Should I...
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    yellow leaves

    Hello Friends. I got these outdoor sativas here that just started to flower a month ago but now suddenly some of the leaves are turning yellow. I use slow release fertilizer that lasts for 8 months. The ph of the water is exactly 6.5. Also, some plants are more affected than others. I know it...
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    outdoor nutrient problem

    No river too close, but my water here is very hard and smells of sulfur like hell. I adjusted some water to 6.5 and gave them a good soak. They look a hell lot better today! I guess sprinkling some Peat on top is not gonna do the trick. Im gonna have to adjust the water. Thank you so much!
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    outdoor nutrient problem

    wow, I had no idea it makes that much difference. Jeez Luis! In a lot of places you read that you don't need to PH for outdoor plants. Obviously that is a myth. I used to have a drip system hooked up to a faucet on a timer. How can you automatically adjust he ph in a system like that? Is there a...
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    outdoor nutrient problem

    Thank you very much for the reply. But it looks like Im up shit's creek without a paddle. What am I suppose to do now? I can't repot them again, can I? That would remove most of the Osmocote, but not all. I can try adjusting the PH to 6.5 and I can use filtered water. Your Chart shows that I...
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    outdoor nutrient problem

    Hello Friends. This is my first time outdoors in northern Cali. Small homegrow. Used osmocote plus with 1 tablespoon per gallon/container. Used plain potting soil consisting mostly of crushed lava rock and chipped wood. Plants started to yellow around the bottom, with little dots appearing on...
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    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    nevermind, I found my answer!
  10. O

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    respect man, that is well thought trough! I like the efficiency Excuse my ignorance, I have read through almost the entire post, but I might have missed it - How do you get in there to work on the plants. The tubes seem to be entirely closed in? I would like to design one with two of these...