This has been a very educational thread. It will save me time and money, $$ from seed purchases and time with the hassles with male plants. I'm gonna make a note on collodial silver and go from there.
Well 420, right now I have a aerogarden, an old phototron and of course the great outdoors. I think I'll try a few different strains (5-6 seeds apiece) and see which ones I like the best. I'm a little gun shy because my last germination attempt was pretty dismal. This time I'm gonna soak the...
Hi, I'm about to order some feminized seeds and would like to know if, in your experience, 5 seeds would be enough for a successful grow or would it be prudent to get 10. That's it.
Thanks for the replies. I've thought about Big Bud seeds, one company has a Big Bud and Northern Lights cross that looks attractive. From the research I've done Big Buddha Cheese seems to give the most "bang for the buck" strong potency, quick and heavy yields.
Hi everybody, this is my first post and I have a few things on my mind.
I'm gonna order some seeds, probably from The Attitude Seed Bank. I've heard Attitude actually mails the seeds to you from inside the US, this eliminates international borders. Am I correct on this?
The strains I'm...