Search results

  1. spliff jenkins

    Can I be denied this job?

    I must say I love this forum and all the friendly people willing to offer advice. Thanky you to everyone who posted and I'll be sure to update the outcome of the interview. I did some digging and found out they wont test me, but one can never be too safe.
  2. spliff jenkins

    Can I be denied this job?

    It's a chain, but I'm just getting an entry level bag boy position so I can't see why they'd drug's just a college job
  3. spliff jenkins

    Can I be denied this job?

    I just recieved a call for a job at a grocery store next thursday. I've been a patient as of December 13 (but i don't have my card yet, I've only got my signed papers from the doctor). Could I be denied this job on the grounds of a failed drug test? I'm considering just spending the money to...