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  1. nathanshair

    Super silver haze ; frisian dew and venus fly trap in soil

    ha my laptop has been fucked so i had no way to post the super silver is gone i had 10 oz of 2 plants and the frisian is fuckin fat im gonna post pics of the frisian tomoz peace
  2. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    nearly six months of preperation buyin equip and growin from seed :wall:
  3. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    ok so he said to me i can smell cannabis i said yeah my freind smoked a joint here earlyier he said thats not good for the baby you know i said he smoked it at the back door then no more was said and as far a keepin a straight head go havin a baby has changed my life for the better i almost...
  4. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    yeah mate usually i would have no quarms about kicking the fuck out this cunt but my suspended sentance is for assult on a police officer so i would have gone to prison for at least 4 years and my girl has just had my baby :wall:
  5. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    what so i kick the fuck out of this cunt and go back to prison sounds like a fuckin fantastic idea to me
  6. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    yeah i suppose i dont just have them silvers i have 9 frisian 3 weeks into bud and a venus fly trap 3 weeks into bud and 3 super silvers 9 weeks into bud thats alot
  7. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    i just really didnt wanna pull thats twice this has happened now im so fuckin unlucky
  8. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    yeah jail does suck trust me i know and i still have a 18 month suspended sentance so they are comin down
  9. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    here are some pics sorry about the quality
  10. nathanshair

    please help me !!!!!!

    the person who lives next door assulted my girlfriend last night and the police came here to take statements and they smelt my weed but didnt wanna know where it was he just said he smelt it what the fuck should i do they are super silver haze and and they are 9 weeks in bud please help me
  11. nathanshair

    Jack herer, TJ2, Supernova #2, Black Domina, Flash. GROW 2010

    Sevin (Carabyl) would be one of the best to handle thrips. Neem Oil would help Talstar (synthetic pyrethrin) Cyfluthrin granules (time-released insecticide lasts up to two to three months. Slow acting but it will control thrips and other insects. this may help
  12. nathanshair

    5th week flower drooping leaves help

    bad pics but from the these i do not know wat the fuck is going on there in my 6 years of growing i have never ever seen drooping that bad sorry:wall:
  13. nathanshair

    Super silver haze ; frisian dew and venus fly trap in soil

    ok so the venus and the frisian are in the 1st day of the 3rd week and the silver has 3 weeks left but my fuckin landlord is comin round and i dont want that shit hangin up and stinkin the place out so dont really know wat to do about that but any way pic update :finger: biatch pic 1 frisian...
  14. nathanshair

    Greenhouse AMS Semi-Balcony Grow

    ah gutted mate its sad when you have to leave a plant that you really want the police where knocking on my door once and i shit it and tore my plants down when they were 4 WEEKS into bud and when i finally answered the door they asked me if i had seen anybody steal my next door neighbours push...
  15. nathanshair

    Super silver haze ; frisian dew and venus fly trap in soil

    yeah not really sure about the frisian as an indoor plant it much prefer outside or hydro so they can get nice and big the venus fly trap has a very strange genetics it starts really small for along time and then shoots up after a couple of weeks in flower so be warned only veg for 5 weeks from...
  16. nathanshair

    Jack herer, TJ2, Supernova #2, Black Domina, Flash. GROW 2010

    my plants do exactly the same mate nothing to worry about i think once they get used to the light cycle they get ready for bed in a sense you got to think for a young plant to stand up tall with its leaves pointin straight up all day it has to be tyresome mine stop doin it after they have been...
  17. nathanshair

    *Not looking good with pics*

    yeah i would say that you are using to much perlite causing your soil to dry out quickly and your not watering enough id say that buy now you should be using nutes on these little peckers and if you are using nutes maybe your using a little to much they are quite sensitive at this age i tend to...
  18. nathanshair

    trip 2 amsterdam

    yeah good man i love super silver haze tastes so good and gets my mind twisting out i was gonna go to the sensi museum thanks for all the help guys
  19. nathanshair

    Jack herer, TJ2, Supernova #2, Black Domina, Flash. GROW 2010

    yeah they are gettin big now and they are fucking stinkin i reckon im lookin at 9 ounces of each one but my little ones smell worse and they are only a foot tall i love sativas but they stretch to much and take to long to bud
  20. nathanshair

    trip 2 amsterdam

    lucky my arse i had to save up for over a year for the cash for this shit cosidering how close i live you wouldnt think that it would cost much but believe me amsterdam is not cheap especially when you got to pay for the girlfriend to