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    I also have had 100% germ rate. And a 99% success after germ. They all are doing wonderful.
  2. B

    THC breakdown temp??

    Awesome info. Thank you very much.
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    THC breakdown temp??

    I am going to be making honey oil extract. I have a batch that went herm. and I hate smoking herms. So I figures why not just extract the thc. In this instance I don't really think the chlorophyll/taste will matter. I just want to get the thc. If the heater/dryer is going to break down what...
  4. B

    THC breakdown temp??

    Ok, so I have been looking on here to get the temp at which THC starts to breakdown. I have seen people claim anything from 85F to ~360F. Can someone in the know please clarify. I mean really which is it? I know my vaporizer reach about 220F+ and thats right where I get the "no smoke" hit...

    I agree. Just because YOU (Judass!!) did not get YOUR order does not mean the site is a fraud. I know that sometimes it takes them a while to respond (maybe people are on vacation and the office is short staffed), but I think that they make every effort to provide quality seeds without very...

    I have never had a problem with them. I ordered some G-13 Haze and all of them turned out to be male. I wrote them and they explained that it is a temper mental strain and offered to replace them with G-13 or a hybrid G-13 (easier to grow) for free with my next order. They always include 5...
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    Well the other turned out to be male so I yanked it and incinerated it. Now I just need to start cloning. I will be picking up an 8 site daisy cloner next week and hopefully a dual arc HID light setup.
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    Not yet. Just the one I took the pictures of. The other one is a bit behind, and it's about 4 inches shorter. I just hope that I can tell if it is a male before it pollinates the female.
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    Well, after almost two weeks, she finally decided to show herself. Here are the pics confirming it's a female. Still waiting on the other one.
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    So I took some more pictures today and I will upload them to my gallery so that you can see all of the detail.
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    I know that I will just have to wait and see, but how long usually after switching to 12/12 before they start to show male or female? I want to figure how long I have until I need to get my HID. $$$ is kinda tight right now, so I try to plan ahead. They have been on 12/12 for 5 days. Should...
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    Here are some of the pics.
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    Thanks for the quick responses. I had to use my laptop webcam for the pics. However, I will upload more tomorrow after I get my camera back from my mom. I have to also note, I let them grow on 24/0 for the first 6 weeks. I just switched them to 12/12 four days ago. I know I said...
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    Help: Am I Ready To Flower?

    OK, so I have been on my first grow for about a month now and I have two really nice bushes. My goal is to get at least one mother and then take cuttings. I just don't know when to start flowering. I have approximately 300W of CFLs for my mothers, and I plan on getting a HID for my clones. I...