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  1. joskey

    Poems About Weed

    oh weed, how i love you indeed, we'v had a good time, i dont see how smoking you can be a crime, iv shared you with some mates, you make my troubles go lates, you've helped me through the good and the bad, after i smoke you i dont feel so bad, oh weed, i love you indeed <3
  2. joskey

    Male or Female????

    Its a girrrrrl.
  3. joskey

    How do you know when to harvest your goods?

    So, il be doing my first ever grow with a friend starting this week. I was thinking around 3-5 months, but when do you know its time to harvest your goods? I'l also be doing this outside if it makes any difference :bigjoint:
  4. joskey

    For video game lovers who enjoyed or loved Bioshock! Check this out

    lol looks pretty bad ass, also lold at the trailer, seemed kind of like a kids animation when the chick gets taken inside and he slow-mo falls to the ground
  5. joskey

    stoner rock

    where not some 3rd world country or anything, i just cant go on the site coz im not in the usa, yeah i have itunes, and i know how to torrent xD, but thanks for the similar artist thing ;D
  6. joskey

    stoner rock

    lol i already listen to all of them :P
  7. joskey

    Favorite Munchie Food?

    Usually i eat a load of chocolate, i dont know why, that or i just cant stop ramming chips down my throat, and i like toast or cheese on toast, and a cup of tea :D
  8. joskey

    stoner rock

    I'm not in the USA so i cant access it lol ><
  9. joskey

    Yes.. It's been asked a thousand times before

    Would you really wanna smoke it after? xD
  10. joskey

    stoner rock

    My mate showed me a awesome band called kyuss, i love them, aparently there 'stoner rock' Was wondering if anyone knew any other bands like this, i absolutely love them :hump: A song of theres called green machine
  11. joskey

    First Time You Ever Toked?

    Well, my first time; i was about 13, at my mates house with 2 other friends and i smoked 2 joints in his basement, i felt a little dizzy, i thought i was high, but i guess i wasnt, anyway, when i was about 15, id been smoking about twice a month, but then this happened, il count this as my...
  12. joskey

    how come we dont have a pipes/joint making/cooking forum?

    I'd like to see peoples joint creations, peoples pipes and bongs, why dont we have a forum for this? I'd like to show some joints i make and some home made bongs you can make easy and cheap. :joint:
  13. joskey

    Substitute called "Kronic"

    I said New Zealand, not Aus
  14. joskey

    Substitute called "Kronic"

    So i like weed, and im from New Zealand, the country next to Australia, which has the biggest marijuana consumption in the world apparently, :weed: But what i heard the government is doing is, instead of legalizing, there just going to legalize all the SUBSTITUTES its made with chemicals. Me...
  15. joskey

    what would happen if i was caught in school with weed?

    hey guys, first post ;D lol, so in my school, which is very bogan may i add, has alot of weed smokers, so much in fact, our school has random drug busts, last time it happened we all had to go outside why'll drug dogs sniffed around. anyway what would happen if you actually got caught with...