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  1. kidchronic

    First Major Grow

    well this isnt as much help as i was hoping anyone!!? lol
  2. kidchronic

    Buying Seeds

    thanks.. good prices there?
  3. kidchronic

    Lighter Thieves!

    hha i cant stannd this.. lol literally everytime you go to let someone us your light they they to cup it on you.
  4. kidchronic

    Buying Seeds

    I didn't really kow where to post this so i'm gonna post it here. Uhm im planning on purchasing some good fem seeds but the only problem is if my dad checks my credit card statments is it gonna say i purchase Marijuana Seeds or will it just say purchase of ...? thanks
  5. kidchronic

    First Major Grow

    alright thanks, i need to redo this anyway cause i was only kinda half here, an missed a few points i was iffy about.. This ones still open though for tips.. thanks
  6. kidchronic

    BIG OUTDOOR GROW.... But what fert and nutes to use???

    I'm in no way shape an expert, but from the little experience I have, wouldn't the little extra be worth the not only extra but better product in the end?
  7. kidchronic

    Guerrilla Grow 2010, Let's do it!

    HA, hell yah im a FL.. I've been counting down the days for spring for like 2 months now. iIm soo ready. You experienced though? Cause i could use some tips, no one on here looks to be from round here..
  8. kidchronic

    Harvest pics!

    i think i just fell in love :P
  9. kidchronic

    im almost embarrased

    PSHH your embarrassed by that? Shoulda seen my first plat :PP
  10. kidchronic

    First Major Grow

    Alright i guess illl start off by saying I live in southeast U.S and my plan is simple, you see theres a creek that runs thru to a major lake by my house with literall y no traffic thru but me and my boys when were fishing. I plammed on going down the river a mile or so and walking into the...