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  1. S

    Fuckin florida, man.....

    I'm telling you guys, the typical spiders you see help you by eating the other pests in your house or garden. The mites that kill your plants are different. Coexist with the common spiders and they will help you out. A few bites are a small price to pay as long is it's not a recluse or black...
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    Fuckin florida, man.....

    Looks very similar but the markings seem a little different. I know wikipedia is a controversial source but here's the range of the brown recluse according to it. They are nasty little guys. One of the few spiders I'm afraid of. I'm sure most of you have seen the pictures but a...
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    Fuckin florida, man.....

    I'm not a entomologist but I think that the spider mites that are pests to plants aren't like most other spiders. Most spiders are carnivorous and eat other spiders and insects. The spider mites that feed on your plants are their own species, and more like a mite rather than a spider. If a...
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    Flowering Question

    I have a seedling with exactly two true individual leaves. It's a mostly sativa strain. I know some people start flowering at about 12 inches of height. I know mine's gonna be leggy and might not want to wait that long. I want roughly one oz cured. Like I said, it seems that many judge...
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    Obama caught smoking weed.

    lol, got got too
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    Advanced Nutrients Please Read

    Good point. I'm guessing you would take a ppm reading before you add the nutes and subtract that from your final ppm measurement after adding the nutes. I would hope they would calculate the ppm based on distilled or low ppm water?
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    Getting Rid of Trash

    Lol, that would suck. Although I've replace a couple disposals so I could probably take care of it. Point taken though.
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    Getting Rid of Trash

    Thanks for all the responses. I live in a typical 3 bedroom standalone house in your average residential area. I like the compost idea but I don't have experience with composting and would be worried about the neighbors smelling it. Is this a valid concern? What about waste plant material in...
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    Getting Rid of Trash

    I've started to get worried about getting rid of any incriminating stuff related to my grow. I've searched around and read about burning or taking the trash to another container on a separate property. Neither of these really appeal to me. I don't really have a place to burn it and I really...
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    Roll/Bowl/Vape/Pipe - Whats your preference?

    I prefer mostly water pipe with the occasional vape mixed in but it's all good.
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    Advanced Nutrients Please Read

    I know this is an old thread but I think it's very important to anyone out there using Advanced Nutrients without experience with PPM or does not have a PPM meter yet (like me) so I decided to repost it. See the email posted from AN at the end of the thread linked below. It's pretty extensive...
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    What the hell is corn?

    I totally agree. This stuff drives me crazy. I've never trusted anything any "vendor" has told me. Not once. Even if I knew for a fact the dude grew the shit. I didn't see the breeder packs. I didn't see the harvest. It would have to be a decent friend of mind that I knew grew it...
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    Light Leaks

    I'm building two rooms in an unfinished basement. The rooms will be about 9' x 5' each. There is no ceiling per se, only the subfloor and floor joists for a ceiling. The walls will only go to the bottom of the floor joists overhead so there will be many light leaks between the top of the...
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    freebie's on ATTITUDE sneak peak

    I ordered... (I know the cannabis cup is rigged but I couldn't resist) (Wanted RP og kush but it was out of stock)...
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    What is wrong with this place???

    I've been lurking here for about a year. It's a great board. Peeps are generally nice and helpful. Maybe you're on a bad string of luck. I think someone else said, and I agree, that sometimes the volume of posts bury you're new thread. It just happens on popular boards I think. Try a...
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    I've read a lot that worms can be great for compost and worm castings are great for soil. It's nature. Then again, I don't know anything about soil grows and what effect they may or may not have on the plants themselves.
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    I hesitate to post this...

    I agree with this. It's the definition.
  18. S

    I hesitate to post this...

    I've never tried dirt but I agree with this. It seems to hard to know what's in the dirt at any given point in time. I guess there are meters but the hydro is more of a direct control and easier to me. Maybe I'll change my mind in the future, I don't know. It also seems popular convention...