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    Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering

    HUMAN8, spot on old boy couldnt put it any better myself. Some good info coming here Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: pacific plate Posts: 156 permalink ...after 10 grows of the same hindu kush, my friend finally perfected his process by increasing the dark period by a half hour every two...
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    TOP 44 UPDATE with pics!!!!

    finished top44 after 55 days flower, 12 plants - 3 x 600 hps, averaged 2 1/2 oz each. Have to agree the smoke is long lasting but doesnt really hit you. I wont be growing this strain again, I am going with Blueberry , which ive grown befor, it takes 55-60days, but yeald and bud quality is far...
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    TOP 44 UPDATE with pics!!!!

    ps. everything is good on the bong, speaking of which.....................................................................!
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    TOP 44 UPDATE with pics!!!!

    top thread LITTLEWHITEWHORE, loved following your grow. Im in week 2 flower with 10 top44, hope they do as well as yours pal. GOOD 1st bash at growing, WHORE well done
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    CC's Hempy Grow - Top 44

    i thought this was a scrog grow?
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    TOP 44 UPDATE with pics!!!!

    whats it like on the bucket bong?
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    can you top a plant 9 days before flowering? (pics)

    the correct method is to cut a "v" ie, two straight diagonal cuts, into the uppermost groing point. cut into the bottom of the newly shooted leaves, as mentioned this will force hormones to the lower growing points, resulting in a shorter bushier plant. the cut top will restart growing in 3-7 days.
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    TOP 44 UPDATE with pics!!!!

    well....... what happened? Hows the smoke, let us know......please!
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    just ordered from nirvana "TOP 44" £20. keep us updated gents.
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    simple question

    The reason that we need to use all the technology is that we are mimicking nature, not nature in your country, but the natural conditions of Plant's country of origin ie Afganistan, Morroco, nepal ect. GET IT? Welcome to the big world...
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    ppm question?

    If youre a novice grower then i would recommend a low ppm/cf/ec. Use nutrient at 50% strength,If the bottle of nutrient says 4ml per Litre, Then only use 2ml per litre. Do this for all nutrients and additives. You will suprised at the results.Once you have mastered 1/2 strength build it up to...
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    question about trimming please help. simple question

    I always trim the bottom third, with a sterile scalple. I do it A few days befor flower period. I trim the lot in one go, probably 6/7 branches. I then make clones with them.
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    ppm question?

    PPM is parts per million. nothing to do with liters or gallons. earls right! youre still talking about quantity of solution. Take away 1/2 of the ppm of tap water only (In your case 280/2=140). Add this 140ppm as part of the total ppm. Add nutrient to correct ppm including the 140ppm of...
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    Video grow update . 1.5 months veg

    once you have 7 or 8 nodes you can flower usually around 10inch, 1foot, Depends on how tall you want them to finish.
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    Over or undernuted??

    as long as the rest of the folage is all a uniform green, I wouldn't worry its just new growth, as "grimreefa" said. All best with grow shivaman
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    --*CALI'S Bong Rip Thread*--

    hi, Ive bonged for a long time now. But in Yorkshire, England, a bong is a bottle in a bucket. ever tried it?
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    Once you find the right spectrum (K) does wattage matter?

    Check this thread Im no expert on cfl growing, I only use them for vegging and cloning. Good luck mucker.
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    Video grow update . 1.5 months veg

    I think they should already be in flower. Are you intending Sea Of Green (SOG)?
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    video update and a question! help

    You will certainly loose lumens. But the Question is "will the reduction in temperature make up for the loss of lumens?" If the lamp is running cooler you can put it closer to the plants, thus increasing yield. If light passes through the glass it will reflect a few lumens, thus decreasing...
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    Lighting questions

    Go for a cfl (compact flourecent light) more watts = more grams, if only got 30$. Save up for a HPS, Maybe 100. cfls are only intended for the vegitive period and to assist HID lighting in flower period. You'll be lucky to get 1oz, with current setup Get your light as close as possible to the...