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  1. krazeendn

    4x4 tent, 600 watt hps, Multiple Strain Medical Grow.

    subbed, very nice! had some fun catching up with your grow.
  2. krazeendn

    1st time growing, pics of my plant.

    i took the plant from my friend who neglected it about 2 months ago. i dont have any lights just yet but ive been putting it out in the a.m. everyday and bringing it in at night. he got the seed from a bag of northern light we were told, he left it out in the rain and wind and would go forever...
  3. krazeendn

    1st time growing, pics of my plant.

    looking to get your feedback, my 1st plant so let me know what you think. the pics i took yesterday. im growing in soil and everything organic. is there anything to see? the plant is only 13 inches tall btw.
  4. krazeendn

    1st grow. fox farms big bloom question.

    im gonna be using 2 tblspns big bloom in a gallon of water. is that good enough til harvest or should i use a little alaska fish fert i have along with it any help is appreciated.
  5. krazeendn

    my plant after givig it a little N.

    i gave her alaska 5-1-1. i just started the nutes and only fed her twice so far. it is an outdoor grow since i dont have any lights yet, thaks for the input, ill be switching to fox farms big bloom in about a week or two after i flush her. once again thanks and i appreciate any help that will...
  6. krazeendn

    my plant after givig it a little N.

    i posted on here and people were telling me it was starved and needed N. ive started giving it to her about 3 days ago and will for another week before giving it the bloom nutes. just want to know what you all think, critique it, thanks alot everyone for your input. 1st grow told its northern...
  7. krazeendn

    1st timer, northern lights. quick questions

    thanks alot, im using the alaska fert. and as soon as i finish that im gonna switch to fox farms big bloom. should i flush it before switching? my lady is a foot tall, can i expect it to get much bigger? one last thing, if everyone in the world smoked an was as helpful as you all have been, what...
  8. krazeendn

    1st timer, northern lights. quick questions

    thank alot to all of you for your help, is alaska fish fert. good to use? or should i get the vigoro all purpose 12-5-7? imlookin at what they have at home depot. when i get a little more money i can get fox farms or something. thanks again for all the help
  9. krazeendn

    1st timer, northern lights. quick questions

    thanks alot guys, right now its 11/13. would mg all purpose 12-4-8 be alright? or something 10-10-10?
  10. krazeendn

    1st timer, northern lights. quick questions

    so i took this plant from a buddie after he moved an left it behind (also stopped smoking)i dont have any lights so its been getting sunlight an i bring it inside at night. (put it in a dark closet) its been growin slow, also ive used no nutes. lemme know what you think about it, i know u cant...