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  1. NWchronnoisseur

    First Grow, all organic soil. Necessary to flush??

    thats what i thought.. kinda one of the big reasons to go organic, taste, and quality > quanitity ive only fed them twice once during veg, once during flowering other then that my nutes were in the soil mix.. thanks for clearin that up there's alot of MISSinformation on here
  2. NWchronnoisseur

    First Grow, all organic soil. Necessary to flush??

    I have some ladies late in flowering and ive been looking into how to flush properly but what ive read has sent me mixed messages. Is it necessary to flush if ive gone 100% organic from the start, including slow release ferts ie guano, bone meal,and compost?? all my books say too flush but i...
  3. NWchronnoisseur

    Organic soil grow, necessary to flush?

    I have some ladies late in flowering and ive been looking into how to flush properly but what ive read has sent me mixed messages. Is it necessary to flush if ive gone 100% organic from the start, including slow release ferts ie guano, bone meal,and compost?? all my books say too flush but i...
  4. NWchronnoisseur

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    yoo i have a ghetto little basement grow under cfls, check it out
  5. NWchronnoisseur

    CFL Lumen Flower Question

    bobby are those pics just under cfls?
  6. NWchronnoisseur

    Flowering week 7/8 how close to done am i???

    a pez clone a "gdp" clone and just dank bag seed ive came across
  7. NWchronnoisseur

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    damn all i got is ten days, will it be a significant loss if its half a week early?
  8. NWchronnoisseur

    Flowering week 7/8 how close to done am i???

    ya that was a bagseedhaha... pics dont do the color justice either
  9. NWchronnoisseur

    Flowering week 7/8 how close to done am i???

    ya i flushed on day 53 of flowering, the only thing i found was a green seed maybe 1/10th the size of a reg was in one of the first pistil/calyxs that show
  10. NWchronnoisseur

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    how much longer you thinkin?
  11. NWchronnoisseur

    Flowering week 7/8 how close to done am i???

    A pez clone, a gdp clone, and some bag seed Under a gazillion cfls in soil and all organic nutes through grow, tell me what you think.. and how long till im ready to chop?? also i caught a few late herms and cant tell if they polinated any of the pistils does it look like that on any of the...