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  1. messman

    jar curing question please help

    You said just a couple small ones had some webbing - could just be from a moth or some type of small cocoon. I see them in my buds sometimes and just pick 'em out. Spider mites will do noticeable damage to your leaves...
  2. messman

    1st timer curing blues

    Could just be the natural curing process and the gases airing out. My jars reek when I open them...not entirely bad but I know that's the stuff I want out which is why I am opening the jars...
  3. messman

    What about popcorn buds?

    I take off the colas first, then move on lower as I go, over the course of a week or two. The smallest popcorns I pluck off and grind up to make killer hash
  4. messman

    have to harvest early...Bud Rot. What do you think of the trichs???

    Yep same deal for me - it's been wet and humid all week and the rot is setting in. Time to chop chop - rot spreads pretty fast. If they were real early you could try just cutting out the impacted nugs. But chopping might best at this point - I know I am...
  5. messman

    the home stretch

    They can take those temps indefinitely without harm to flowering process. In fact, they will even withstand a light frost or two. But once you get into frosts, flowering takes a hit and slows to a crawl.
  6. messman

    HELP!!!! Plants of unknown strain 6 weeks into flower.

    They can stand a light frost or two so let 'em go. Last year I had premmies and ended up letting them get a little too much frost. It will stunt the growth and if cold enough for long enough the calyxs can get some frost damage. If this happens you simply have a hash plant =)
  7. messman

    Crazy winds in central mass

    That's how it is with a first grow - worry worry. Mj plants are very strong. When you need to worry is when your buds are super fat and it rains for a week with humidity. Like now - in eastern MA it has been a very shitty week weatherwise. I just had to do surgery on a fat cola for rot. =(
  8. messman

    I need some HELP!!!!should i bring them in?(pics)

    Plants look good, nothing to worry about. From a quick look at your pics i say they need more time. You will know mold/rot as the bud will be brown and not green. Good luck!
  9. messman

    leaves turning yellow

    yes bos get some fert on it and quick. Some good grow nutes would be best, but anything with a high Nitrogen ratio is fine. You can even use your own urine at a ratio of 1:10 water.
  10. messman

    Second Try At THC Pills

    Why not try a tincture rather than pills? Or at least first. IMO pills would be the most diff, although I did see a recipe using hemp fiber and some form of concentrate, like a tincture or oil. I would not think putting the actual greens in a pill would work as there's simply no way to get...
  11. messman

    Baby nugs

    That's the high the immature buds will give ya - a nice head high. It doesn't last all that long but some people like and even prefer this to the heavy narcotic couch-lock type of high. I like both :weed:
  12. messman

    Is It too cold????

    My plants are in the ground and have endured several frosts now, plus all sorts of rain, cold and wind, and they are fine. One night it went under 30 for awhile and they had frost on the buds, but recovered fine. Are your plants potted? If you can bring them into a shed or garage over night...
  13. messman

    Beating the first frost...

    Mine have had several frosts now, and at this point I am more concerned with the rain. 2 or more days of rain seem to induce mold...
  14. messman

    first timer please read need help

    Crime you asked a bunch of questions here. Depending on how close to harvest you could feed her some light organic blooming nutes (I use Fox Farm Big Bloom), or just mix some molasses in your water at a rate of 1 Tbs per gallon. That's said to fatten 'em up a bit. Your grow solution sounds...
  15. messman

    Curing my trees

    Well sure, since that "desired smell" is somewhat subjective based on one's own personal preferences, different strains could have smells that don't appeal to you as much as others...
  16. messman

    Does prolonged bad weather delay harvest date?

    This is an interesting question. I doubt anyone ever tested this. Based on where mine were on the 3rd, I was thinking 2 maybe 3 weeks. Today they are definitely larger and more ripened but not there yet. I can't be sure, but I think with better weather they would have come along faster...
  17. messman

    Newbie Outdoor in So. New England

    Happy Harvest Jared and congrats - enjoy the fruits of your labor bongsmilie As Bunghullio says the buds are most likely airy because they needed a bit more time. The nugs from the branches I harvested so far as also airy. Not that there is anything wrong with this - it's still fine smoke...
  18. messman

    People from New England help.

    I too have been hit by multiple heavy frosts and they are fine. Rain is definitely worse due to the mold, but as long as you keep an eye on 'em you'll be fine. It's not like one day you have no mold then it rains for a day or two and you are covered in mold. It's generally slow enough where...
  19. messman

    Baby nugs

    Hairs are sticking out so far as it is immature. As the buds mature they expand out to the point where the entire bud is as far out as the hairs...well, something like this anyway...
  20. messman

    Frost - let's find out!

    I think this would contribute to mold. So much for the hard freeze last night - I don't think this ever happened. If it did, they came through just fine. 4-5 days of rain and possible sleet to go through now...