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  1. S

    10'6 x 14' Room with a 10x10 Tent - Winter mode - Living Soil

    The seedlings are setup in a 5x5 right now in another room while I finish out the main grow room. The first challenge I am facing in the new home is low humidity in the winter. I had as low as 30% so I went out and got a few humidifiers. However, there are a few pockets on doors and windows...
  2. S

    How to deal with home heat

    The only issue I have with that is potentially too much humidity going into my central AC. I am going to setup the tent and run everything and report back.
  3. S

    How to deal with home heat

    Yes, it is a 10x10 foot tent. I was either going to frame out the bedroom and panda film everything or go the tent route. It is overkill but it gives me room to grow and I like that I have the entire area contained. I will be starting the seedlings under some small ion propagation lights. Then...
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    How to deal with home heat

    Approaching winter, seeds are cracked, and now I am waiting for them to pop out of the peat. I am going to be running a 10x10, with a single IONFRAME EVO8 730W for now. I am worried about the heat from the house hvac and wondering how people are dealing with their grow. I want to do this the...
  5. S

    Unidentified bug, help please

    Well almost but not quite a flea beetle, since those have wings and this doesn't. I am going to put some more sticky traps out tonight just to be safe, I haven't found anymore of these.
  6. S

    Unidentified bug, help please

    Ive never seen a baby roach or anything like this before so it scared the hell out of me especially to only find them in my grow room. Do you think the massive amounts of bug spray ive put outside the past few days has contributed to bugs coming inside the home? And do roaches contribute...
  7. S

    Unidentified bug, help please

    No and I do think I am over reacting. I have found zero of these fecckers on the plants. I even found one outside the grow room this morning next to my window ledge. I keep a very clean house so I noticed things like this. I will and have continued spraying for bugs outside every few days.
  8. S

    Unidentified bug, help please

    It has no wings, six legs. Looked to have receptors. very small. to start off, there is no aphids or whiteflies, or any of that nature. I only found them on the floor when I watered the plants which is weird these are the best photos I could take, I searched all night and couldn't identify...
  9. S

    Where can i sell this online? Broken luke wilson 6 arm bubbler

    I broke this peice: looks just like that one, but it broke down on the mouth peice. if you put ur mouth on it, it still hits. its just broken and missing the mouth peice tube. can be fixed by a blower for sure. my question is...