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  1. forright88

    Guerilla Grow Questions

    I've been considering doing a guerilla grow this season and wanted to ask you guys if there are any plants I can just check on once a month and still have healthy plants. So basically I'm looking for as hardy a sativa as possible, any recommendations? I'm not letting this season slip away...
  2. forright88

    Kaya Gold from Nirvana

    no body at all?
  3. forright88

    Kaya Gold from Nirvana

    I've found a few posts about Kaya Gold and some people are growing it but i couldn't actually find any posts where people have smoked it. Is anyone familiar with this strain?
  4. forright88

    Blackberry Kush Harvest!(pics)

    what the fuck man
  5. forright88

    Regular Weed??WtF

    You got some mids bro
  6. forright88

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    God damn that's a lot of pot. What area are you going to be growing and when is harvest? It'll be interesting to see if you can pull it off haha. Good luck, hopefully the feds won't be the ones harvesting your crops lol.
  7. forright88

    Deer Problem

    Everyone know that deer are one of the cannabis growers worst enemies. I have an idea that might help keep deer from eating your plants. When I was a youngin' my Dad would take me deer hunting in Southwest Pennsylvania. If another hunter had done something to you a little come-back trick was...
  8. forright88

    First time user- LSD or Shrooms?

    ok thanks guys. I think i might go with shrooms just because they seem a little softer
  9. forright88

    First time user- LSD or Shrooms?

    I've been considering experimenting with psychedelics sometime in 2010 and for my first experience should I use mushrooms or LSD? I've gotten mixed answers and wanted to see what you all would say.
  10. forright88

    Plant Choice for first grow

    Yea I think I'm going to order 10 Pure Power Plant and 5 feminized Kaya Gold. Thanks for your help, I'll put some pics up when my plants start to grow
  11. forright88

    Plant Choice for first grow

    Thanks for the advice. Pure Power Plant and Papaya are both listed as "indoor." Does that really matter or is it more of a suggestion?
  12. forright88

    Guerrilla Grow 2010, Let's do it!

    2010 will be my first grow too and i'm excited as hell! I'm gonna be planting some Kaya Gold, maybe some texada timewarp, and maybe a mixed batch. I'm trying to get as much knowledge about growing before spring to make my first grow a great one. Good luck to all you other growers and happy smoking!
  13. forright88

    Plant Choice for first grow

    Hi all 2010 will be my first grow and I've decided to do all my plants outdoors due to electricity bills and so on. I was thinking about 5 feminized Kaya Gold and 5 feminized Swiss Cheese both from Nirvana. Would these be good choices for a first grow? If you have any better suggestions let...
  14. forright88

    Auto flowering question

    I looked at Lowryder #2 feminized from Attitude and it says that no seperate room or light cycle is needed and it still yields strong. Anyone know if this strain is the ticket for me?
  15. forright88

    Auto flowering question

    ok i'll check out micro growing
  16. forright88

    Auto flowering question

    My time frame is from late march and i need to harvest before august. I can grow plants outside but i got the impression that most outside plants dont harvest until september or october. If i start the seeds inside then move them outside will i be able to harvest before august?
  17. forright88

    Auto flowering question

    ok thanks. Do you know what strains have a quick harvest that arent auto flowering? My buddy is moving out of town in august and i need some plant that i can harvest before then if i plant it in late march- early august.
  18. forright88

    Sublime=greatest band ever

    Sublime is definitely one of my favorite bands. As a matter of fact my wallet has the sublime sun logo on it. the reprise version of what i got might be one of the greatest songs of all time
  19. forright88

    Playing Ska music on guitar

    Ska is awesome bro, mad caddies, the toasters, less than jake.
  20. forright88

    Auto flowering question

    I was thinking about ordering an Ak47xlowryder off of attitude. If i'm going to be using an auto flowering plant do i NEED lights or can i just put them by the window and watch them grow? Electricity bill is the problem here, i can't let it get high and i was just wondering if i could still...