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  1. The Blunt Doctor

    Please Delete My Account Please Delete

    can you please delete my account too? i have to get a real job soon and don't want any of this popping up on my possible internet background search. Thanks!
  2. The Blunt Doctor

    My Super Silver haze Harvest! 2/23/10

    Hey, just responding back to what everyones said. yes i harvested early this morning and no it wasn't grown from seed, the plant was a clone
  3. The Blunt Doctor

    My Super Silver haze Harvest! 2/23/10

    Hey dudes! I'm so stoked out of my mind, this is my first grow/harvest ever and everything turned out perfect, flush went according to plan and upon taste testing the product, i can tell this is grade-A dank. Check out the pics!
  4. The Blunt Doctor

    First Grow, Need advice at almost 9 weeks flowering

    Thanks everyone! I didn't expect responses back so soon, but to clear things up all the pics are of the same plant, the first one looks so big bc i wanted to get a close-up for you guys to see her trichome production. I guesstimate that I'm gonna harvest her at her 10 week mark, the majority of...
  5. The Blunt Doctor

    First Grow, Need advice at almost 9 weeks flowering

    First time grower, did research for about a year and finally bought up everything I needed and decided to give this growing thing a shot. I'm growing just a single female, a super silver haze plant, grown under a vented 250 watt hps cooltube. I potted her in organic soil bought from wal mart...