Search results

  1. K

    Mushrooms Hospital

    All I know is that I was pursuing a job with the NSA and part of the interview process is a phone-screener and a polygraph during which they re-ask you the phone-screener questions. One of the questions was whether or not I had consumed any illegal substances in the past year - to which I...
  2. K

    buying $75 of shrooms tomarow

    1/8th is $60 here - but they're worth every penny. If you're getting at least 5 grams and it's your first time I would recommend just taking 1 gram one day and see how it feels and what to expect from 1 gram. Then a few days later I would do 2 grams, see if you want to go deeper then take the...
  3. K

    Bubbleponic Build List

    Yeah - he followed that up by saying "hit it with some white." Also, I would replace those clear air lines with black ones. The clear lines will let in light which aids the growth of the bad bacteria that cause root rot.
  4. K

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    What kind of water pump did you buy? How many GPH?
  5. K

    HELP! Plant Showing Signs of Malnutrition!

    lol. I like how you created a thread with "Malnutrition" in the title, asked everyone to diagnose your problem, borderline ridiculed everyone that responded, and eventually just fed your plants to solve it.
  6. K

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    I ask because I actually overbought on the airpump and stones for the original plans of my build and was debating on exchanging them for something lesser. But I might just modify my plans to use the airstones in the bottom reservoir if you're not having any problems with it. Though it does...
  7. K

    My Bubbleponics Re-Circulator PICS

    Did you put your airstones in the bottom reservoir?
  8. K

    Putting bubbles in your 'ponics

    Thanks for the write-up, this was a perfect explanation of DWC for me. You also answered a design question I had. The more I learn the more "bubbleponics" sound like a gimmick.
  9. K

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    I just realized his last activity was on 11-25, oy.
  10. K

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    Did you make the overflow hoses yourself?