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  1. S

    The Official Bubba Kush thread

    looking a stabones pics it looks like he is having the same problem, my friend is also having the same issue, it would seem this is a trait of the Bubba Kush
  2. S

    The Official Bubba Kush thread

    hey guys, im currently growing 3 bubba kush ladies from the Green house, turned out one of them was a hermie and i now have a grow room full of seeded plants, not a massive issue, looks like theres still gonna be a nice yield of some high quality herb, only problem now is i am having a massive...
  3. S

    Greenhouse seeds 100% hermaphrodite free...absolute bollox

    i am currently in week 5 of the flowering phase and have just discovered one of my(feminised) Greenhouse Bubba Kush plants is a hermie, i have been growing for years and for the last few i have been totaly brand loyal to Barneys Farm seeds. This is only the second time i have grown a Greenhouse...