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  1. guitargodj32

    Changing User Name

    That is cool but I am hoping to delete a few select posts I made, and hopefully this profile if I can, I have a new profile on this site. How do I delete my profile/ is this possible?
  2. guitargodj32

    Changing User Name

    damn can i edit past threads/ posts ive started? most of them seem to have expired as far as the ability to be edited
  3. guitargodj32

    Changing User Name

    how do i change my username? If it is not possible how would I delete my account? thanks for the help!
  4. guitargodj32

    Whatcom county mmj- too close to the dea office?

    I have noticed that compared to anywhere else in the us, when you get up near bellingham the mmj movement slides to the shadows, you notice noone up there runs a dispensary, sells mmj on craigslist or anything like that. Other towns have many dispensarys, lots of craigslist weed and more of an...
  5. guitargodj32

    Are you a lazy grower? Poll

    It comes in phases man, I pulled a fat yield in my room then wasted 4 weeks just smoking it and partying, finally got new plants in and gave them some real tlc, was in week 2 of flower when i started having lady problems and being lethargically lazy, my stoner ass let pythium get the better of...
  6. guitargodj32

    Mold on plants should i treat or trash it?

    neem oil and pick off the bad spots, I have had this happen and just made a large batch of tincture with it. Not ideal but I couldnt complain!
  7. guitargodj32

    Buying a premade hydro system

    How many watts will you be under? I have those waterfarm buckets but am currently using a home depot built nft system. I would say make your own, especially for small plants hydro indoor, you could make an ebb and flow table with pots of coco mixed with perlite, I made one once and was stoked, a...
  8. guitargodj32

    How Do you Deal With Your Ex and / or a Breakup? Help Needed!

    Thanks all this was just what I needed to hear. My only regret is I let pythium get the better of my garden while distracted with this girl!
  9. guitargodj32

    How Do you Deal With Your Ex and / or a Breakup? Help Needed!

    A piece of advice i was taught by a good friend the first time i had a rough breakup "Always, always remember: They are bitches and hoes, every last one of them" I forgot the cardinal rule this time around, lesson learned.
  10. guitargodj32

    How Do you Deal With Your Ex and / or a Breakup? Help Needed!

    Yeah it was the hurricane thing, too much too fast. I did not break up with her over not sleeping together, I would love to date and not sleep with the right girl to improve the realationship but I realized she had already shattered my trust (she put up a missed connections ad online while we...
  11. guitargodj32

    How Do you Deal With Your Ex and / or a Breakup? Help Needed!

    Thanks a lot guys, I think ill just pretend it never happened when i see her. Haha it feels like that sublime song now "its friday night, and theres gonna be, another chick on my tip but it wont be you babe" Tonite Ima get drunk and laid and forget all about this bitch!
  12. guitargodj32

    How Do you Deal With Your Ex and / or a Breakup? Help Needed!

    Dragon, I know what you are saying but it just sucks that she has done it before and will do it again, she is 18 and I dont think she really understands how much she was leading me on. At the end, a few days before we broke up, I told her i didnt want to date when we were having issues and she...
  13. guitargodj32

    How Do you Deal With Your Ex and / or a Breakup? Help Needed!

    I dont mean to bitch or bring my drama to the forums but I have found that growers of ganja are typically some of the most well rounded level headed people and I need help deciding how to treat my ex: I dumped my girlfriend of 4 months last week when i realized she is a "one better" girl, the...
  14. guitargodj32

    You're Not Horny, But Your Partner Is, What Do You Do?

    If she ever asks for it, Ill do it for my girl (when ive got one ha) even when im tired or not feeling it etc but ive found that most girls are more selfish about it and turn me down for whatever reason, usually it is the first sign things are not headed in a good direction
  15. guitargodj32

    Serious Question About Sex

    practice self control when your greasin the axle, the taoists use kegels and can fuck women endlessly, its crazy every time your gonna bust a load tell her to change positions and you get a sec for some deep breaths also you can eat tramadol haha
  16. guitargodj32

    Drug tests?????????????

    lots and lots of cranberry juice and water, exercise, drinking vinegar will help, as will a drink kit from your local headshop that gives you a 4 hour window to piss clean. good luck!
  17. guitargodj32

    Advice For Dealing With The Ex-Girlfriend

    So my friend was telling me how his girl of 2 years dumped him and was now calling to claim the hookah they had bought together and this is what my roommate said: It is CRUCIAL that you do not give her the hookah because You give her the hookah, She will want her pillow back, you give her her...
  18. guitargodj32

    How Can You Tell if a Woman is Fakeing an Orgazm?

    Does it matter if she does? I still got to skeet everywhere! Really though I can usually tell if I am paying attention, I break it off if a lady is tryna fake it with me, I like my ladies pleasured or not at all
  19. guitargodj32

    Brown Roots - Rot? w/Pic

    I just had to kill 30 girls after a bout of phthium got a hold of my room while I was distracted with other ladies in my life... It was worse than yours when I finally noticed but I tried h202, and hygrozeme but things were so bad I just had to sterelize the system. I was in week 4 of flower...
  20. guitargodj32

    Really need some light help........really

    yield depends on a) wattage and b) veg time sounds like you dont have that many watts so if you are looking for more than a couple ounces I would commit to vegging for at least a month