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  1. cflGROWERanon

    IC3 Lemon Zedd looking mo'fuckers that need a be-heading. ;) (Wordplay - wotchu kno about that?)

    IC3 Lemon Zedd looking mo'fuckers that need a be-heading. ;) (Wordplay - wotchu kno about that?)
  2. cflGROWERanon

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sup bitches, spend that bread mayn, it pays you back in the end. 8inch with pro rhino filter kicks ass. No smell or heat issues. It's worth the spend, Since when did IC3 begin giving advice? I'm sorry dudes but I still think most his advise is shit and mis-lead however that 8" is spot on...
  3. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Lol, this guy is a total idiot haha :wall::wall::wall: Repeating what I have said and then telling ppl not to take my advise then advise the same thing must be the smartest thing (in your world :finger:) Yhh, it's a good product. It add's weight in that your buds are fucking dense, can knock a...
  4. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Lool, the trolls are lurkin, they must be bored. Zedd... lool No, Ripen is not a flush, it speeds up the plant at the end stages but you should also factor in flushing time when using. I use it and love it ;) Who the fuck is this cunt??? Did this stupid blind pig's sister not see that the guy...
  5. cflGROWERanon

    Two Houses Four Rooms. Professional Op

    Looking great in here and very "professional" :roll:, but I have been known to have low standards lool. :wall::wall::hug:
  6. cflGROWERanon

    ok guys i need some input on what im dealing with

    Actually, pollen from a hermie would not neccessarily give you 100% hermie offsprings. You need to pay attention to the genepool in use here. Half genetic's are female and the other half is hermie. Therefore, as some breeder's would market (such as GHS) your outcome wil be feminized seeds...
  7. cflGROWERanon

    should i harvest early?

    A magnifying glass is not needed to spot bud rot, look out for discolouration on buds, dead leaves and twigs sticking out of buds (the mold will take hold inside the bud and work it's way outwards).
  8. cflGROWERanon

    should i harvest early?

    If it is mold IN the A/C and not your BUD, leave it and wait. As mentioned, they are 2 different types of mold attacking. If the mold is in your bud, only chop off affected area's and then monitor for the last few weeks closely. Keep an eye out for dead leaf matter and twigs, do not allow your...
  9. cflGROWERanon

    !!!New Grow Experiment!!! Monster Cropped Clones- Big Yield Attempt!!!

    Looking good. I'll say once again, I strongly advise lollipopping them. The amount of energy you will send to the top apical site will be immense. If not done, (especially in scrog) you will regret the decision when you see the amount of work put in on those lower canopy. Other than that, I am...
  10. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    No dipstick, a flushing "AGENT". A flush could simply just be water. When something is added that is not water that can speed up the process, it is called an agent. Holy shit, this guy is a bit of a NOB and sure iz thick innit blad..
  11. cflGROWERanon

    Two Houses Four Rooms. Professional Op

    For that type of money, I can get alot more equipment and I'm not even affiliated with any employee's. That's a lot of scratch mayn, looking forward to updates ;)
  12. cflGROWERanon

    !!!New Grow Experiment!!! Monster Cropped Clones- Big Yield Attempt!!!

    Looking good, the girls are fucking healthy and a lush green. Good job mate, can't wait for this long ass flip now. ;)
  13. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Whats going on guys? Been crazy busy recently so havn't had time to be on here. About to begin flushing my girls tomorrow, they are 58days old and come down in 12 days. I got a bath with a shower but I flush differently, use a flushing agent for a week (mon, wed, fri) then straight ph'd water...
  14. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Anyway, I also am off, gotta walk the dog, smoke and zone and go entertain the missus who went to bed 2 hours ago lol
  15. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Sometime's stress forces a plant to perform and yield better. But as stated sometimes. I've had stressed girls that bulkd their buds and finished fast and I've had streed girls with the skinniest half dead buds. Its a lottery
  16. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Anything is better than nothing and sometime's, unneccessary stress can actually work in your advantage. Sometimes.
  17. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    Lool, assault on release while still on probation :clap::clap::clap: your nutzz. There's certain guys in bin who do that deliberately because they don't want to go lool, your a legend, I would have had a lot of fun with you if you was in my jail and on my wing. :shock: Maybe you...
  18. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    YES - he is a penis NO - do not ignore him Give it to him as you think it, if theres something you do not like, air it. He a pussy anyway and very rarely retaliates unless he has back up, he will eventually liquidate but till then, let him ave it hahaha.
  19. cflGROWERanon

    The uk growers thread tips and help for newbies not prices of oz'ies

    He's so stupid he will lose track of the convo. I don't mind getting into arguments with him or his little pussy internet crew. I sometimes go to the other thread just to stir the pot but no one was biting today so I left it. He had one word replies for me which was not satisfying enough. So...