bouncing bear botanicals. totally legit. 5 dollars for a literally thousand seed pack. you can pick certain kinds. i picked the persian white because they have the highest percentage of opium alkaloids. and it is legit i will vouch for them. thai sticks on the way!!! peace. Oh yea just make sure...
hell hea if it takes samplin to not to be sick... sample my friend. there is no other worse feeling than being sick from ops. aspecially methadone. im in the clinic too man, i get suboxone now though. the methadone withdraws were too similar to iv heroin withdraws. so i switch over to suboxone...
hey i just came across the exact same thing. i was close to the end of my harvest. i chopped three and still had a sativa that had three weeks left. i run a dual lamp ballast 400w in a big closet. i also dont have a timer or hoses for my tank but listen. ive been letting it out pointing toward...