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  1. Pompey

    This is a male right?

    Yeah, it's just this one.... Starting another ASAP, LOL. Guess I"ll see it I can make some hash.
  2. Pompey

    This is a male right?

    Still learning but I am sure this is a male, what should I do with it? Just toss it? Try to make hash, totally garbage? :wall: :cuss: At least I guess I got it to grow without killing it.
  3. Pompey

    OK, Need a look and opinions here.

    I wouldn't think, I only water when the soil gets dry. I'm going to get a moisture meter as suggested.
  4. Pompey

    OK, Need a look and opinions here.

    My PH is 7 so..... Could real dry soil do this (yellowing to the leaves)? I'm starting to think that it's nute burn from the MG soil.
  5. Pompey

    OK, Need a look and opinions here.

    Guess I am going to head to Lowes in the AM for a meter.
  6. Pompey

    OK, Need a look and opinions here.

    Wanted to add it does have the ime release nutrient balls....
  7. Pompey

    OK, Need a look and opinions here.

    I'm using 3 125 watt 6500K lights. I know about the MG, now. I wish I had known before had. As stated before this is my first grow. If it is nute burn will it kill my plant?
  8. Pompey

    OK, Need a look and opinions here.

    Leaves are starting to yellow pretty bad now, this was after a ton of new growth. I'm using MG soil and nothing else yet. I need some help, please?
  9. Pompey

    Please help a Newbie!!!

    Thanx for all the help, and yes I am using MG soil. Wish I would have known before hand. This is my first grow and I'm trying to get it right the first time.
  10. Pompey

    Please help a Newbie!!!

    OK, here is my plant. She (I hope) is about 9 days old since sprouting. She is only about 2 inches tall. The bottom fan leaf is has a yellow spec. Does it seem small? Maybe needs some N? I appreciate any feedback.