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  1. C

    Rescue! Need help!

    They don't look to bad to me, but I'm no expert. I think the fan and lights should be enough to sort them out. The only thing I'd say is that I don't think the ice bucket is a great idea. You need a container with drainage holes at the bottom, otherwise water can collect there and rot the roots...
  2. C

    24 hr and seeds have not begun to open

    Not at all. Some seeds can take up to a week to open. Give them a few days before you worry, for now everythings normal. Good luck
  3. C

    Moby Dick

    Even with feminized seeds you have about a 10% chance of getting a male plant. It sucks but I always grow two or three at time in case, and if they all turn out to be female it's not really a problem :D
  4. C

    WTF? My plant is effed...Help?

    Definately Under-watering. I had the same problem with my plants a few weeks ago, and even though the soil felt moist they were better a few hours after a big watering. jimmy130380 is right, water them without nutes and you sohuld see an improvement pretty fast
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    Leaves yellowing in different ways, any help?

    Thanks jahtrip, your a life saver. I'll give it a go in their watering today and let you know how they get on. I owe you one, again
  6. C

    Leaves yellowing in different ways, any help?

    Im into week 6 of veg now and I have a few problems that have been getting worse for the past few days. The lower smaller leaves are slowing starting to yellow from the tips in. The same things has happened to some of the fan leaves further up the plant. It seems to effect the leaves that grow...
  7. C

    Bent my main stalk trying LST

    Deadly stuff, luckiest fuck-up ever. Im growing two plants so I think I might try super cropping the one \i broke (the point where it bent is pretty good) and I'll just keep on with lst on the other. Thanks for the info jawbrodt, much appreciated @ mcpurple, I was looking at your thread earlier...
  8. C

    Bent my main stalk trying LST

    I was starting off lst today, 4 weeks into veg and bruised my main stalk on one side. It's not too bad about 2/3 of the way up the plant. You can see a dark green line running around about a 1/3 of the circumference. I still have the plant bent, but higher over this point so there's not much...
  9. C

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    Thanks for the post, but I fucked it up a bit I'm 4 weeks into veg and broke the main stem of one of my plants. Bent it too far and now you can see a dark green "bruise" line running around about a third of the stem at that point. How bad is this? I gave some water straight away to help it out Shit
  10. C

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    This sorted out a lot of questions for me Thanks!
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    new seedlings falling over

    Good to hear, hope it keeps getting better
  12. C

    new seedlings falling over

    Looks like it could be over or under watering. If the soil isn't wet you should top them up, if it is then hold back on water till it dries out a little. Seedlings need a lot of moisture
  13. C

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    One more I irsh grower to add the list here. There are a hell of alot of us. Living in the Czech Republic and 4 weeks into my first grow. All looking good so far. 2 Orange Skunk growing under a 600W hps. Itching to start flowering!
  14. C

    Cant self-diagnose (detailed pics)

    I agree, Mg deficiency. What's the ppm of the water you're using? If it's very hard water it can lock out the Mg. Some Epsom salt with your next watering should sort it out. Good luck!
  15. C

    Root Stimulator

    I'm on my first grow now, 4 weeks into veg. Just started using nutes now. I've been giving root stimulator every 2nd or 3 rd watering up until now but Don't know whether I should stop. Do you keep giving it the whole way through your grow or just until the plant gets established?
  16. C

    should i put my plants in a bigger pot?

    They usually won't die from being in too small a pot but it'll definately stunt their growth. They become root bound when they have too little space, the roots start growing in circles and get knotted which will really fuck the plant up
  17. C

    the edge of the lefes are curling up???

    Could als be over-heating. What kind of light are you using and how close is it to the plants?
  18. C

    Roots above the soil????

    I agree, whatever the problem is you should translplant and it should help
  19. C

    Sudden problem, anything I can do to save these ladies?

    Thanks for the help jahtrip and everyone else. We're running on a pretty tight budget, poor students here. We bought an expensive light and cheaped out on the soil (bought some generic indoor potting soil from the florist across the road), is there anything we can do to add perlite to the soil...
  20. C

    Sudden problem, anything I can do to save these ladies?

    Wahey! Thanks Jahtrip, they're restored to their former glory, almost. Really didn't expect it to be underwatering cus I watered them so much to days ago. Thanks a million man