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  1. NathPirn

    Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

    This is an awesome thread idea! One night I was drinking with some friends at their place and hadn't smoked any weed in about 3 months (was trying to quit) and another mate came over for about 30mins, we decided to leave and walk to his place. When we got their he offered me a few cones of this...
  2. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    It was just patience that they required. now all of them are pretty much standing up straight and looking healthy. one of them has a little brown spot on it and one other is still a bit soft (its 2 days younger) but they look like they will make it now :D Thanks again guys.
  3. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    :|..thanks for all this info guys, you guys have seriously put my mind at ease.
  4. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    Thanks Jedi, Those photo's have seriously put my mind at ease. came out this morning and they were starting to look a little better so all things considered I think they might be growing...also thanks for the info about the HPS, just wondering though, even if I have the HPS at about 2 feet is...
  5. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    Do they need to be under 24 hour light ? I'm only running mine under 18 hours at the mo'. Also have a 400hps is that too much light for them? haven't used it for them just wondering in case I can use it and it wont be too much for the little fella's ( can you tell I'm new to this? :P ). *sigh*...
  6. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    Cheers jawbrodt, might try that if the ones I am doing right now don't perk up...little buggers look terrible right now but who knows what could happen.
  7. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    Thanks guys, I heard it was ok for them to wilt but I guess I was being over cautious.
  8. NathPirn

    Cuttings gone flop.

    Hello friends, Having a problem with cuttings. I cut off a mother plant this morning, used clonex and soil, came out later and they were flat on their backs... I know I screwed up but just not sure how. Any help would be much appreciated.