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  1. S

    Why do you need to hang buds in dark when drying?

    NO doubt about it.. Put em in the dark.
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    in the dark

    Your stating that as if its a fact, when really its more of a theory.. The fact is if it were true, every serious grower would do this.. If you plan on re-vegging or taking clones it could caues a tendency to go herm.. And growing indoors you can control the environment. But no amout of...
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    in the dark

    Why would sitting in darkness help the plant bud more? I dont think this makes much sense.. This is not natural and i think putting stress on them will probably accomplish the exact oppiste.. Good luck though..
  4. S

    Just a quick Question

    anyone else??
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    Just a quick Question

    maybe 4 to 6 600w lights with 240v ballasts.. Sorry to be so vague. Ive checked out power boards and strips.. But i was wondering if there are more heavy duty ones.. And les say its a 50 ampcircuit..
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    Just a quick Question

    Exactly what im not trying to.. So anyone with any specific ones that theyve ran multiple light through?
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    Just a quick Question

    Can i plug mulitple lights into some kind of electic pannel that plugs directly into the washer or dryer wall plugs without me having to do any kind of wiring?If so what are they called and where do they sell them.. if this a dumb question sorry.. Just Curious thanks
  8. S

    Biggest yield outdoors....

    It deppends on the weather in your area and the strain.. But thats an awful lot.. Ive heard stories about 30 foot giant bush's in vietnam and some pretty big ones in cali.. But up here in the northwest most the outdoor plant ive seen end up, 4-8 feet tall.. And ive seen ones that have produced...
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    my 3 plants in extreme heat! LOL

    Direct sunlight ovbiously helps, but they will definatly grow in somewhat shaded areas.. Like in the woods for example. Also a thought, If theres any particularly windy area maybe try that..
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    my 3 plants in extreme heat! LOL

    haha.. good luck. Instead of venting cool air maybe look for a spot thats slightly shaded, higher in altitude, or close to the ocean, as the tempature stays more moderate.. also they are gonna be thirsty..
  11. S

    Oregon Outdoor Growing Season

    Im up here in washington, so its pretty much the same. Its still a little early. You ve gotta wait untill theres no chance that there will be freezing temps. Up here we're gonna be seeing some temps under 35 in the next couple weeks.. I think in a month or so you should be good to put them...
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    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    what a question.. Ive toked alot of places. On top of the space needle, the golden gate bridge, looking at mt. rushmore, yellowstone, on the metro bus, but the best two were probably inside fenway and old yankee stadium..
  13. S

    2 oz's hash

    I dont know how you couldnt like both.. I guess if i had only or the other, and both were high quality i would take bud cause itseasier to smoke. But If both are available why not sprinkle some hash on a bowl. Here in the northwest u.s. both are pretty easy to find. And for the arguement between...
  14. S

    1st grow EVER 8weeks flower

    Are those really 8 weeks? They havent filled out much.. Do you know what strains they are by chance? You might want to upgrade on your lights.. But its your first time, as long as your learning stuff along the way.. Just dont expect to get much after its dryed.. Good luck:weed: