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  1. B

    Frost Damage Prevention

    Ok with early frost problably soon coming, i was wondering if there were a few ways i could protect it from cold temps. my plants are about 6 ft outside, in the dirt. to keep the roots warmer at night when the temperatures go down, could i simply pile more soil above the level ground? like a big...
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    HELP! Wont Flower??

    yeah thats what i was thinking. and if the ground is frozen.... how the hell would you water them haha i wish it would survive till mid december haha
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    HELP! Wont Flower??

    really? they are planted IN the soil and we ususaly have snow before the end of october over here. although its a lot colder in quebec. i should mention that these are out in a remote location, not in my back yard. but if they can live that long withouut freezing, i would be so happy haha...
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    HELP! Wont Flower??

    wow, ide have to cover them till like september the 10th before its 12/12 up here. we will likely have frost before this. FUCK, i gues im gonna have to move them inside somehow... but i dont think i have a roof big enough if they are gonna double LOL. maybe just take a few big clones to keep...
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    HELP! Wont Flower??

    im asuming that NO light can get in, but would something like a "green" tarp or covering work? if i remeber reading, plants dont use green light?? (if any light gets through)
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    HELP! Wont Flower??

    holy crap, fast replies! thanks guys. now, any idea where i would be able to get like 9 foot platic covers..? lol cuz im assuming they are still gonna get taller. but thanks!! ill start lookin
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    HELP! Wont Flower??

    K, two WW plants vegged indoors for 6 months (i know, long time) I moved outside July 28, Ive been watering every couple days, plants are very healthy. Took a two week vacation (had my brother watch over them while i was gone) but today i check them out, and still no buds.... Im getting pretty...
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    Light Fixture Max 60 watts Per socket

    yeahh. i just took the old one from the bathroom so i cant really return it. (its about a year old) i do have lots of wire tho, and have very good soldering skills. guess i just gotta buy a better one haha thanks!
  9. B

    Light Fixture Max 60 watts Per socket

    Hey all, I kinda ran into a snag when setting up my flowering room. I'm using two rubber maid containers on top of each other, with a bathroom light fixture screwed to the top (i borrowed the idea from someone on the site) but heres the issue. it says max 60 watts each, and ive got a splitter...