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  1. imbored56

    Where are the marijuana friendly grow shops at??

    The classes are free but you have to register first, or sign up or somethin. their website is growgreenmi .com
  2. imbored56

    Where are the marijuana friendly grow shops at??

    Brighton has one. Its called grow green michigan and is right down town. They offer grow classes there too on saturdays.
  3. imbored56

    First CFL micro grow, bagseed

    So here are some more pics of my plants. They are showing a lot of new growth. I have noticed some yellowing on the leaves and some brownish or purple or grey spots, not sure lol, on the leaves around the edges. I also noticed that on one of my plants the leaves are curling in toward...
  4. imbored56

    Leaves turning yellow then brown. Please Help

    So i noticed that my plants seem to be getting worse. I started watering them every other day or so. I also fed them 1/4 strength nutes for the first time. I thought maybe that was the problem but it didnt really seem to help. Some of the leaves are starting to have spotty discoloration, and...
  5. imbored56

    vapes make me cough so damn hard

    I think that given the same amount of weed vaping gets you much higher than smoking does. I think its a better high too. For me it is less of a couchmelt high and more of a mind obliterating energy buzz. I got a vtower vape. Its great, i keep it at about 210C and it gives great vapor hits all...
  6. imbored56

    Xbox Live?

    IDk about saints row 2. But i can tell you that MAG kicks ass. You should totally buy it if you like online shooter games.
  7. imbored56

    meth paraphanelia ?????

    One of my buddies got charged with the exact same thing, meth pipe and bag with residue. They just charged him with paraphanelia in court. As for the clippings, if he got his med MJ license after the incident, which i think is what you said, he can probably use that in his defense. I know...
  8. imbored56

    First CFL micro grow, bagseed

    Thanks for the reply. I have a 140mm computer fan circulating air in the box, and 2 decently sized holes to bring air in. The plants are on the lowest shelf of a cabinet and normally rest about 2 inches from the cfls, i just have to move them so i can take pics cuz my camera will not take...
  9. imbored56

    Leaves turning yellow then brown. Please Help

    Thanks for the response.
  10. imbored56

    Looking for software

    You could probably just use excel. If you know how to use it well it is perfect for what you need. Or you could implement the excel spread sheet in access for a custom made interface. Good luck
  11. imbored56

    Leaves turning yellow then brown. Please Help

    I dont think that i have been overwatering but i will definitely give what you said a try. Thanks for the response.
  12. imbored56

    Leaves turning yellow then brown. Please Help

    My seedling was originally a dark green color. It then turned to a lime green color, and now there are brown tips on its lower leaves, and they are starting to yellow. What could be causing these problems? Im growing in an organic seed starting mix. Its working well for my other plants. I...
  13. imbored56

    First CFL micro grow, bagseed

    New growth on all my plants. Another seedling died. not sure why. The plant i thought was the best is starting to get brown on the leave tips and yellow up the leaves. Does any one know what could be causing this?
  14. imbored56

    First grow, help is appreciated

    Hey If you still havent got a vaporizer let me recommend the v-tower. Its about the same price as the buddha. I have it and cac say that it is an awesome. If you order it from vapeworld you can get 10percent off, and a free grinder, and free shipping. If your gonna drop almost 200 i would...
  15. imbored56

    Light or no light?

    I also put my planted seeds under lights. Seems to work fine for me
  16. imbored56

    Lets argue lights

    Im on my first grow right now, I use CFLs because they are cheap and my space is limited. They seem to be doing a great job so far, check out my grow journal if u wanna
  17. imbored56

    First CFL micro grow, bagseed

    So heres some new pics of my plants. They are startin to get some new leaves, and are generally lookin good. Two of them were wilting and seemed dead, so I pulled them. My damn cat got another one so now im down to 5 plants total. One of my plants seems odd. It is a lime green color...
  18. imbored56

    Yea my pics are in my grow journal...

    Yea my pics are in my grow journal I am growing some dank bagseed that i have. What are you growing?
  19. imbored56

    3 dank bagseeds 1st cfl grow

    Looks good to me man. My plants looked just like that a couple days ago.
  20. imbored56

    Question on Jar Method for Discreet Cannabutter Creation From Vaped Hash/Bud

    I think the water in the jar would turn into steam, and maybe cause the jar to explode.