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  1. T

    Several Plants - Different Issues - Need some Reassurance

    This is my first real grow. I have 4 seed in bag plants that I started early january as my test beds for a bunch of northern lights that I started 2-3 weeks ago. The seed in bag plants have been vegging great guns, as I slowly wormed them on a nute mix of Plant Magic COCO grow of 3ml per...
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    Biggest Mistake I Won't Make Again.

    Storing humidity box on top of T5 lights, forgetting it's there when raising the light and spreading seedlings across the room... Thankfully all have come back to growing, but they were pretty shocked by it, as was I :o
  3. T

    UK: First Grow Hydro - Journal (incs Pics)

    Day 3 2 Seedlings of NL have broken through All test plants fed 3/3/1.5 (CG/CG/RS) All plants sprayed twice with catalyst Repotted 'Tetly' plant in coco, with a bottom layer of polysterene chops for air & drainage Day 3 Images
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    UK: First Grow Hydro - Journal (incs Pics)

    Howdy all, and Good Day to my fellow Brits :) I have started a new grow. It's my 'first' (I did grow a plant many years ago, but forgotten more than I remembered). I've started keeping a journal, and I figured it'd be good to keep it here, so others might learn from my trials and tribulations...
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Is the offer of asistance still on the cards? I'm a little stumped on medium and several things have sprung to mind that I can't find answers for... 1: Soil. If using 5 Gallon pots, how much (in weight) of soil is used for each pot. I'm looking to start out with 6-8 plants, but I'm pricing...
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    First Timer - Some 'New' Questions

    Thankfully my window is double glazed already :) The light isn't a concern as I'm building a complete room, within a room with plasterboard and battoning, it'll be a sealed unit (aprt for air flow bits and entrance door, which I'll 'airlock' with 2 curtains). The room with the grow room in it...
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    First Timer - Some 'New' Questions

    Flourescent Tubes T5 , T8 , T12 T12 - These are first generation tubes. Big (diameter), not as energy efficent at T8's or T5's, less lumens per watt T8 - Second Gen tubes. Small diameter, but energy efficentcy, more lumens per watt than T12's T5 - 3rd Gen tubes. Small diameter than T8's...
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    First Timer - Some 'New' Questions

    Thanks to all of you for the quick responses :) I know now 'Keep Stum at the Shop' (going to visit one that is not in my area, but next county and pay cash) :) I'll be sure to go through the videos suggested - thanks for pointing me in right direction; sorry I missed them the first time...
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    First Timer - Some 'New' Questions

    First off, let me say what an excellent and friendly forum this is. Whilst I've only just registered and this is my first post, I've been a 'lurker' for a while, taking notes and getting my research done.. Having been through the comprehensive topics here, I've got a few Q's which I haven't...