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  1. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    ok , so i let it grow for another week and the ak47 started developing a whole lot of balls so i trashed it and kept some of the big fan leaves. i'll probably do a seed run on my next grow. currently i have 9 autoflowers growing. 6 of them are female which is cool and 3 of them have not shown...
  2. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    Ok, i woke up and examined my fastest growing ak47 from the first batch. My face looked like this:o. It looks like this plant has finally shown it's sex: MALE. I just need someone to confirm though because i have seen people pulling their plants only to find out that the plant was female and...
  3. hyyer

    First time grower 1000w Mi5 bubbleponics

    well this is my first grow as well but i think you should definitely add the nutes. mine have been getting nutes since the day after germination and they should help your stunted one out a little.
  4. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    It has been 16 days since germination for my largest ak47 and around 5-12 days for the rest of the plants. i am only growing 11 autos right now since i killed my first batch due to overwatering. the ak looks like it will be showing sex soon. i included an update of my setup as well.
  5. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    good luck 2 you as well. all of my ak47 seeds i had germinated quickly and developed roots quicker than all of the other strains. it should be a good grow for you.
  6. hyyer

    1x Snow Rider & 2x Short Ryder budget 1st grow.

    usually droopy leaves are due to overwatering.
  7. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    I've been away for a couple of days but now i'm back with an update. it has been 12 days and less since germination for my seedlings. so far, it seems the ak47s, diesel ryders, and easy ryders will give me the best yields. they seem to be doing fine. however the snowryders and auto white...
  8. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    i got my led light but my 1000w basically cancels it out so i'm not sure if i will even have to use it. most of the sprouts seem to be doing fine. here are pics of the white russian, easy ryder, diesel ryder, and ak47 3 day from germination. i also added a pic of the ak47 2 days from germination.
  9. hyyer

    Buddha Seeds Feminized Red Dwarf Stealth PC CFL Grow

    i'm interested in hearing a smoke report when ur done...i was thinking about trying red dwarf in the future.
  10. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    yeh i am, but i'm thinking that when i get my led light i will re-position the 1000w up higher and put the led light to the side of the plants so they can get the most light from all angles. here's some pics of my current setup. i over-watered a lot of my seedlings like the noob i am and ended...
  11. hyyer

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    right now i have easy ryder, diesel ryder, snowryder, auto ak47, and auto white russian...should be ordering blue streak in a couple of weeks. i really wanted to try out onyx as well so i look forward to hearing your smoke report. there's a link to my journal in my sig if interested.
  12. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    not sure what you're tryin to say, but thanks.
  13. hyyer

    New autoflowering grow!!! ONYX,AK47,AK48,Big Buddha amd Smurfberry AUTOS

    i will be watching this as i started a similar grow with a couple different auto strains. i am trying to come to a consensus on the top 3 autos.
  14. hyyer

    1st Grow- Hydro Autoflowers under 1000w

    Hello everyone, this is my first grow. I am growing Easy Ryder, Diesel Ryder, Auto White Russian, Auto Ak-47, and Snowryder. I got all the seeds from They shipped fast, were discreetly packaged, and i got five free snowryder seeds (which i am including in the grow). My set-up...