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  1. M

    Share Your Opinion Of God Here Mhhhh You will enjoy this brother !
  2. M

    Share Your Opinion Of God Here

    We are God. The very nature of us being here and discussing is God. The paradox is, however, that individually, we are not God. As a whole, we are God. Look around the room. What is taking up the most space ? The furniture ? Wrong.. Nothing.. The nothingness is taking up the most space.. When...
  3. M

    Calling All Noob Growers

    Is 330 Watt Fluorescent enough for one plant of white widow in a Tin FOil set up ? nOOb movements out here..... Respect though.
  4. M

    Fluoroscent grow TEST.

    Brothers and Sisters! are two 330 watt Fluroscent bulbs to much for one plant in a tinfoil set up???
  5. M

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy !! im not in canada anymore, (eastern europe) and its hard to come by speciality soils. any basic ideas of what i can use ?