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  1. InsaneInTheMembrane

    Everything NOFX

    There a true ass punk band.
  2. InsaneInTheMembrane

    greatest munchie food ever?

    Damn, Usually i get home at 6, ( After getting stoned ) And Eat everything up for dinner, and seconds. But my favorite would be either pizza, home made apple sauce, or pasta. Man i need to make some good brownies.
  3. InsaneInTheMembrane

    Best High Food/Drink

    Hmm, I Just go home and eat fucking everthing. I Think i like Subway man. When ever I eat while im stoned, The food feels all wiggly down my throught its funny and I keep eatin more. I LOVE Pizza tho, at that i want pizza rite now. Also to drink umm.... Arizona Tea.
  4. InsaneInTheMembrane

    Im a New Grower

    Alright, Im Probably just going to grow one plant at a time. And with Air fresheners I ment like the little one you just put on the counter and they make the room smell nice. With out spray and such. Either that or the plug in ones. Any way i was talking to some one on youtube. and they...
  5. InsaneInTheMembrane

    HELP! seeds ? sign for it

    Hah ok, Yeah im looking to buy seeds with a prepaid card. Any good sites besides Nirvana, that ship to the US. I would just get them from my friend, But he's out of town for a while.
  6. InsaneInTheMembrane

    Im a New Grower

    Alright man thanks, Yeah i Just made a small grow box out of two cardboard boxes. Pretty cheap but il probably find a better way. And Yeah I was thinking of getting maybe 4 air fresheners, two on the inside, 2 on the outside. Im going to put the box in my closet. Also how do people get those...
  7. InsaneInTheMembrane

    Im a New Grower

    Hey, Im a new grower. Im looking to grow maby one plant at a time. Im 19 and i still live with my Parents and go to school. What are so good tips. Also I Already have a grow box planned out. And I Live in the US and im looking for a good site to buy seeds off of. Incase my friend can't get any...
  8. InsaneInTheMembrane

    HELP! seeds ? sign for it

    Hey is a good site for buying seeds? I Live in the US and i dont feel like getting busted or ripped. Could I Order the seeds using a prepaid credit card? Also I Still live with my parents, and Go to school ( im 19). What are some good tips, im a first time grower.
  9. InsaneInTheMembrane

    can't grow anymore :(

    Im a New Inspiring grower, After reading this I wanted to know a good way to eliminate the smell from going around my hole house. Would Air Fresheners work? maby get like 4 and place 2 in the box and 2 on the outside of the box?