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  1. B

    how to make a fan quieter?

    anyone? .___.
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    how to make a fan quieter?

    the stealthy chest of drawers-turned-growbox is almost underway! growing is imminent :D i've been wiring CFLs and plugs, mounting a thermometer and setting up the exhaust this afternoon, and the wagons are about to roll. i'm so excited :weed: however, on a test run just now, i discovered my...
  3. B

    a few questions about voltage, amps and computer fans.

    ah, right. thanks :D awesome :D i get the negative pressure thing now - nifty. probably saved me alot of time there, and i think i'm going to put my two fans together for extra force, as i need it to draw the air through a small carbon filter on the outside. dark room vents: such a good...
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    a few questions about voltage, amps and computer fans.

    thanks, that's really clear. i don't understand the bit about intake holes though. smell is definately an issue, so i need to be really careful. what d'you mean by intake holes? just random holes in the box? surely fragrant but unwanted smells would leak out through them, aswell as light...
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    a few questions about voltage, amps and computer fans.

    will it matter about the amps if the output ampage on the adapter is nearly ten times the ampage required on the fan? also, if i had to pick a fan that's going to run faster, should i use it for the exhaust or for the intake? i would've thought the exhaust, as it's keeping the box cool?
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    a few questions about voltage, amps and computer fans.

    before i get flamed for not looking for myself: i have! D: and i think i'm down with the splicing wries part and hooking up a pc fan to a charger adapter thing. i'm just in a bit of a pickle. i've got two of these fans...
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    Indoor Guerilla Grow!?!

    bit of an oxymoron, isn't it? i thought guerilla growing was growing outdoors?
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    residents of the uk!

    curses! thanks anyway though; saves me continuing to search in vain, as it were. i think hanging the lights would be better anyway, actually. i suppose it allows more flexibility and i can hang a few round the sides aswell. also, arrid, like the odour control thread you have linked! :)
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    residents of the uk!

    this is driving me mad. all i want to find is some light socket to wall plug adapters. i really like this setup: but it looks like you need some nifty gadget like this...
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    hm, turquoise seed?

    >< now i feel stupid. thanks ;P
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    hm, turquoise seed?

    also, not really related, but how come it says i'm "learning how to roll"? i've been able to roll for years!
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    hm, turquoise seed?

    ordered some seeds off attitude that arrived this fair morn, and to my pleasant surprise, with five free ones! one of them is called greenhouse: the church, but it's literally a brilliant turquoisey aquamarine colour. like this...
  13. B

    Thinking about buying seeds from Altitude?

    in my opinion and experience (admittedly only once), attitude were really good. i order five feminized ak 48, and got five free feminized seeds with them. shipping was very stealthy. i posted my order on thursday, so it would've got there on friday, and got my seeds this fine morn (tuesday). not...
  14. B

    Attitude shipping charges

    "i was disappointed" actually, i wasn't disappointed; i randomly got five free seeds with my order (feminized as well)! :D
  15. B

    Attitude shipping charges

    yeah, i ordered with the t-shirt. lolol fat harry what? i was disappointed. next time i'll go with the sweets, 'cause the t-shirt was lame. and yeah, attitude are expensive for shipping! i live relatively near ipswich in the uk, in comparison with america obviously, and the shipping is still...
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    awesome deal at Attitude right now

    oh yeah, i got this today! when i ordered last week (5 feminized ak 48 seeds), it said i got one free seed, and i was like "ah, nice!". then, on this fine winter morn, when the postman delivered me my package, i found not only my ak 48s, not only my single free seed, but four more free seeds...
  17. B

    nirvana seeds suck

    that sucks man :/ but by the way, i don't think they can reply to any e-mails about growing or germination, as seeds are only allowed for "souvenior purposes or if the law is changed". so that's probably why you haven't got a response.
  18. B

    How is attitude?

    "I'm currently wearing the cool Fat Harry t-shirt that came with my stealth order." haha yeah, i got one of those today. in my opinion and experience (admittedly only once), attitude were really good. i order five feminized ak 48, and got five free feminized seeds with them. shipping was very...
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    Ordered ATTITUDE too early

    aw shit! sucks :/ but yeah, like other people have said, attitude seem to be pretty sound. whilst ordering last week, i put my order in on one night, and it said £34.99, so the next day i went to the post office to get a postal order for £35, and when i got back i checked the order and it said...
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    Just found out my older sister has cervical cancer. :|

    sorry to hear that ): i might be able to empathise with you; my mum had a rare kind of blood cancer when i was about six or seven, and luckily, though her chance of survival wasn't good, pulled through it. i don't remember that much about it - fingerpainting, and christmas in hospital. then...