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  1. bigboostsupra

    Finest Gold = What to do?

    Ive got this one that looks like it has a gold tint. The plant is about 6ft tall. It is not topped, because someone told me you get a bigger yield if you grow it regular. Shes really tall and has one bud on the top ft of her. Is there something I can give her to bulk it up before its to late...
  2. bigboostsupra

    Shade leaves falling off

    The shade leaves are all falling off and turning (yellow). Does that mean I shes ready to be pulled and dried, or can i prune the shade leaves and let it grow? I would like to get the biggest yield as possible.
  3. bigboostsupra

    It's All Bullsh*t

    Hey FDD your plants are nuts. I have to almost call those trees. Major props!!! I wish I could grow like that
  4. bigboostsupra

    Early Crop???

    Thanks for the advice. One of my buddies told me if I wait to long the THC content decreases dramatically. Is that true ?:confused:
  5. bigboostsupra

    Early Crop???

    Hey all can anyone tell me what I should do. Im currently in my first year gorilla growing and I need to know if I should pull one of my babies. It was put in at the same times all my other ones were. Her hairs are all redish brown. Will it hurt the THC content if I let it grow longer? Will I...
  6. bigboostsupra

    1st timer need help?

    Im new to this whole forum thing. Im a 1st time grower. I have 4 females all ranging in different sizes. One of my smaller one has brownish red hairs all the others have whiteish ones. should i pull that one and start to dry it, or let it stay in till mid Oct. would i get a bigger yield if I...