Search results

  1. S

    LA Woman (first grow)

    Nice toes down there in the corner. =P
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    Epilepsy and Medical MJ

    Thanks for the reply. My situation is similar to your husband's; the more stressed out I am, the more prone to seizures I am. I'm currently on carbamazepine (a generic called Epitol), and am shopping around right now for a secondary medication, or to switch away from carbamazepine altogether...
  3. S

    Hey there. Forgot I made this post, lol... get back to me when you have a chance. Cheers -Eric

    Hey there. Forgot I made this post, lol... get back to me when you have a chance. Cheers -Eric
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    LA Woman (first grow)

    Wow, is all that growth really just from the past few days? That's nuts! That L.A. Woman looks like it's going to be spectacular.
  5. S

    LA Woman (first grow)

    My god, it's HUGE!
  6. S

    Epilepsy and Medical MJ

    Hey there. I am an epileptic (petit-mal/absence seizures, was diagnosed at age 12, now almost 31) who has a medical marijuana license. I smoke to help reduce the frequency of my daytime seizures, but I find that it really helps in controlling my sleep-seizures. I usually have anywhere from...