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  1. 704

    WTF is KB?

    its just slang around here for reggie or as u call "brick weed".it can be gud but sometimes u get the guys who jus say kb jus to say it
  2. 704

    The Church

    gud grow man!so when is the best harvest date for the church if you stay in the N hem
  3. 704

    Outdoor drying...WHO'S TRIED IT???

    whats up guys:joint:? This is my 1st grow and I am a little confused about harvesting. I know you are supposed 2 hang up ur girls up about 7 days or until they dry. The only problem is I stay with someone who doesnt have a clue about my green thumb:hump: so i dont know where 2 dry my...
  4. 704

    Leaves are droopy and I dnt know whats causing it.SOME1 PLEASE HELP!!!

    thanx again for everyones responses!
  5. 704

    Leaves are droopy and I dnt know whats causing it.SOME1 PLEASE HELP!!!

    @ Talrox its in soil...I used roots organic (i think).and i am also using nutes advanced nutrients big bud.@Serapis im not sure if i may or may not did a good job with the drainaige the soil is near clay so that may be issue but i will keep that in mind.
  6. 704

    Leaves are droopy and I dnt know whats causing it.SOME1 PLEASE HELP!!!

    whats up riu?I have a white rhino fem that has been flowering almost 40 days now.I went to check on my baby yesterday and all the leaves were droopy or wilting...:cry: so i gave it an ample amount of water and I came back 2day to see if it was fixed but its not:confused: so i need expertise help...
  7. 704

    curious about outdoor grow

    oh yeah i can post pics if needed
  8. 704

    curious about outdoor grow

    whats up riu? if anybody can help me out with these quick quesitons it would be greatly appreciated. I'm doin a outdoor grow and i have a white rhino, the church, and super silver haze from greenhouse seeds. the wr and ss were germed the same time but since they were hidden they didnt get much...
  9. 704

    Wtf help

    yes i am using everything organic actually
  10. 704

    Wtf help

    thanx u guys will do. i've got to get the pissin around and puttin wire down
  11. 704

    Wtf help

    Today i went to visit my gurilla garden and to my suprise something or someone had pulled up my The church...i dont know how long it had been pulled up but it wasnt pulled up when I last watered it which was yesterday. I stuck it back in the ground, but i dont know if it will survive can anyone...
  12. 704

    First outdoor grow

    Thanks. I am using roots organic as my base soil. I would like to use only organic nutes on my ladies. Do you recommend any fox farm organic nutes
  13. 704

    First outdoor grow

    Whats up R.I.U.? This is my very first outdoor grow as well as my very own first grow. I am very unsure about my progress:-?. Please give any input suggestions criticism (no matter what) I just want everyones honest opinion. All of my beans are from greenhouse. I read alot of negativity about...
  14. 704

    Serious growers only

    and do u know if they ship 2 the us?
  15. 704

    Serious growers only

    alright i'll have 2 give them a chance.
  16. 704

    3lack's Kush 2000 Watts DWC Hydro 45 Plants White Widow & Kushberry 32 Days of 12/12

    idk too much about growing but it looks fuckin 2 awesome 2 me...keep it up n gud luck on ya grow
  17. 704

    Serious growers only

    howz it going riu? I want to go a 'rilla' grow but i dont know which seed bank to go with:wall:. I would like to go with not necessarily the cheapest bank but the best bank with the best competitive price. I'm willin to spend @ least 2 hun on seeds. I figure if i use that super soil formula...
  18. 704

    cloning technique

    whats up riu? i was faced with a tough decision 2day..i was given a couple clones from a friend but i dont have any rooting gel and the stores that were open didn't have any either. i talked w/ 1 guy and he said he used honey to root all of his plants @ home and i wanted to know if any of my...
  19. 704

    seeds stayed in water bottle

    thanx man i might jus need to lay off the mj when i do it