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  1. H

    what kind of lights do i need to get for my grow room?...

    i have a 33x64 grow room and i want to update my lighting... as of now i have six 4' fourescent tubes (3 shop lights) i dont have much money and im trying not to spend much... any ideas? on another note... is a red heat light a "red spectrum light"
  2. H

    accident... need help

    i flushed it out with a gallon of water and emptied the water catcher on the bottom of the pot should i flush more?
  3. H

    accident... need help

    i need help, i have a single ladie she is in flowering has been for bout 6 weeks now i had some water in a cup and i also had some salt water in a cup and i accidentally poured the salt water in my plants soil and dint realize it... now my plant is withered and i dont know what to do! please help!
  4. H

    how much

    they are all the bright white ones not blue or red looking... but i also have a small red head light in the room (its my way of a lil extra heat in the room) gets pretty cold some times but i just got a heater to put in there when the light is off
  5. H

    how much

    okay i can not give you a pic at this time but i can tell you it is a bag seed in a 2ft d x 5ft w x 7ft high closet with 6 4ft flourescent tubes (40w) with a small fan circulating the air and it is in a 6 gallon self watering pot... this my first grow, used shop lights i had laying around...
  6. H

    how much

    about how muc will a 5 ft tall plant produce?.... ita a bag seed, i have topped it, and it is starting to bud... just wondering?
  7. H

    leave tips turning brown

    okay ppl i need to know if neone has an answer to this question.... can anyone tell me y the tips on all of the bigger leaves and some of the smaller leaves are turning brown?
  8. H

    room temp and fine white hairs???

    ill be honest... i dont know... about 3 or 4 months lol its roughly 36" tall i knew nothing about growing when i started i had 3... but they got chopped down by a falling flourescent fixture but its in a 8 ft tall closet with lights on the ceiling so its good... (gone be tall as hell!) i put it...
  9. H

    room temp and fine white hairs???

    i have a quick question? ... when my lights are off im my grow closet it gets real cold (like 50 or something) will that hurt my plants?... if so i need ideas on how to heat my grow room. (its a small closet and im kinda scared to put a heater in there (fire hazard) my next question is... my...
  10. H


    how do i top my plants? and when is the best time to do so?
  11. H

    pot size

    quick question my friends.... how do i know what size pot i need to transfer my plants into? im looking for my plants to get around 4 ft no more than 5 ft i know to start flowering when my plants reach half or a little under half the size i want them to be...(or i was told to do that)
  12. H

    Big f@#$ up

    na... it was a clean cut about 8 inches from the base of the tree
  13. H

    Big f@#$ up

    i dont have the money at the time to spend an any lighting.... the tubes came from the shed... they was just paying around.... when i get the money i will do something else...
  14. H

    Big f@#$ up

    damn.. fast replies... thanks... any more suggestions let me kno...
  15. H

    Big f@#$ up

    i need help! my plants had three 4 ft flourescents fall on them... it really sucks, and i smell like pot plants right now from cleaning the mess up but... its time to start over... the last time i had no clue as to how to grow... but i kept these plants on a 16/8 lighting schedule... untill i...
  16. H

    Neighbor Snagged Plant- Need Advice

    LMAO... YEA.. IT WAS STUPID ON YOUR PART... but i agree... get fucking even.... i heard punches... claymores... it all sounds great... fuck use it all... but deffinately get even!!!
  17. H do i do it?

    Preciate it all!!
  18. H do i do it?

    can someone tell me how to clone my plant? i am actually just using bag seeds but i am also a noob.... so i am just practicing... help plz...
  19. H

    what ive got... i need advice on the rest!

    okay ladies and gentelmen... in my previous thread i stated that i was new to this grow stuff and had no clue as to how to set my grow room up.... alright... im growing for myself and i only have 2 plants... (just growing from a bag to get the feel of it) but i have upgraded my room a bit...
  20. H

    what ive got... i need advice on the rest!

    NOW YOUR TALKING OVER MY HEAD... I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO CUT CLONES... IM COMPLETELY NEWS TO THIS... THAT IS Y I JOINED THIS FORUM...oh shit my bad for the caps... im not retyping that tho... lol