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  1. J

    Macgyver setup

    Keep in mind the vertical growth that will kick in when you go to flower...that plant could double or triple it's current height. Hit it with a blooming fert. then hit with about 36 hours of total darkness to shock it into flowering before turning your lights 12/12.
  2. J

    Greenhouse Seed Co. Trainwreck grow, will this work?

    Watch your % of worm casting....the Bible suggests not going over 20% on account of it making the soil dense and heavy which makes it hard for new roots to worm castings,definitely one of the best soil amendments there is.
  3. J

    People should be warned... Botanicare Sweet has Arsenic in it.

    Guess what? It's on you really think that it's an accident? Opps some arsenic fell in. The government has been enjoying poisoning us for decades. Why? Cause sick people make HUGE bucks for the privately run medical industry. They've been putting flouride in the drinking water and...
  4. J

    Ak47 1000watt

    One's one of THE best products on the market. I use it to germ and I've never waited longer than 14 hours for tap speeds things up inside the seed. It's for hydro and soil and once you use it you will see a dramatic difference in all aspects of the germ,veg and...
  5. J

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    BCNL does have some very nice kit,seen it at work. I can tell ya right off the bat from looking at your pics that you're getting some serious stretching happening.....the reason for this I think is because your 125 cfl is too far away from your seedlings. It's a design flaw that both the...
  6. J

    24/0 vs. 18/6 debate is over!!!!

    Not surprised here...stray too far from mother nature and things will get sketchy.
  7. J

    Fancy Molasses instead of Blackstrap?

    It does matter actually...Fancey has sulphur in it,less minerals and more black strap is the way to go for boosting your sugars,make sure it's un-sulphured! :)
  8. J

    Test run-The Cool Cab

    Nice set up for sure! If you haven't already I would cover those empty pot holes over so that the light doesn't shine into the good.:)
  9. J

    FIRST GROW EVER! In style w/ BloomBox Royale

    I love my Bloom Box! It's tight in all the right're gonna love the results when you get dialed in.:)
  10. J

    Need advice on my sprouts - BCNL Hydro grow

    I've got the Bloom Box myself and I really do love how tight the set up is. My only advice would be to research the strain you're growing so that you can get a good idea of it's flowering growth...this will help you know when to make the switch to flowering. If your plants get get too big during...