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  1. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    anyone, i'm kinda wondering whether there is anything worth doing at this point?
  2. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    So it's fucked then : / EDIT: should i chop before the whole thing dies?
  3. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    more help anyone?
  4. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    Yeah, she seems to only be getting worse by the day, i checked again this morning and almost all the leaves are now yellow/brown. : /
  5. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    anyone help?
  6. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    Ok it's deteriorated more since the flush, hoping this will pass but not looking good.
  7. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    That sounds distinctly not good.
  8. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    K just watered it, cheers. Gonna scrape off that crap as well. I'll update if it stays bad.
  9. F

    Help plant in major trouble!

    Hi, this has literally all come on in the last 24hours apparently, i'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I've been away on holiday and came back to my room mate showing me this : / The white stuff is on some lower leaves and kinda looks like toothpaste. Thanks in advance!