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    Harvest time cut short - early harvest is iminent

    anybody tried 6/6 ? the plant doesnt know that a day has 24 hours, so if you give her 6/6 you will have 2 days in 24hours... which cuts the flowering time to half
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    WW 5th week flowering - 80% brown hairs! harvest time?

    thnx guys.. hairs maybe are getting brown 'Die' early becouse of the heat,,, is gets upto 100.4 Fahrenheit.. wont that kill them? is it ok if i move them to the indor room with the other plants.. thus indoor light shuchedle is oposite of out.. so any idea what would be the be the best timing..
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    WW 5th week flowering - 80% brown hairs! harvest time?

    i bought a 60x-100x pocket microscope .. but its very hard for me to get clear view on the glands.. can i cut a small leaf around the bud which has some glands and see in on the table with the microscope? or do u guys have any techniques of using the pocket microscope? well i was able to see...
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    WW 5th week flowering - 80% brown hairs! harvest time?

    i have two WW plants on the roof of the house, they have been 6 weeks 12/12 and 80% of the hairs turned brown, is it possiable that they are ready for harvest!!?? rhe weather is really getting hot down here 35-40C day time, night around 25-29C your feed back will be very appreciate,, im...
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    sick WW (4 weeks in flowering) yellow leafs plus

    any idea what could be wrong with this layde, she is in cabnit with 400Watt HPS.. and was 5 weeks veg, and 4 weeks flowering.. humidty 30%-40% .. i have just flushed her,, any other things i have to be concerned of? and any idea if its in shape of buds size regards, first time grower
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    Plant 5-6 weeks Middle East

    hey expressw, wats up bro... we have not heared ur smoke report?? isn't these buds are much more tasty than the hasheesh!! give us some feed back, and how much was the dry weight u got from each plant..
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    Transplant again? - Root Growth

    attached pic, is the roots on the drange hole.. any body have any idea why they have growen like this?? and how can i fix it
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    Transplant again? - Root Growth

    yea its suppose too.. but the roots are already riched the bottom of the pot!!! so what shall i do
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    Transplant again? - Root Growth

    my plants are 5 weeks old,still in veg. around 10inch tall+LST, i have crazy root growth, thire in 5 galon pots and still coming out from drange holes!!! i have no space for biger pots!! what should i do?? is it okay to leave them where they are or i must trasplant?? attached pic is roots...
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    Plant 5-6 weeks Middle East

    i dont think the police would monitor growers or whom may post hashesh pic on the net, they would be more concern about the politics issues.. they would arrest u only if they catch u on the street.. and they wont execute u if u have littel amount of drugs (self-usage).. well here u may go 3-6...
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    Plant 5-6 weeks Middle East

    soo sticky mate..lool well i throw all the hasheesh i got into the sea, fuck it man it makes you sooo stoned that u would never leave your sofa!! so i trow all 25grams in the sea trying to grow some green stuff. u never know what they have mixed in that hasheesh!! i always got v.v.v.bad...
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    Plant 5-6 weeks Middle East

    waish, its writen somewhere for flowering perioud they need low in N and higher in P & K, like 10-30-20 or 10-60-30. Stick to the manufactures schedule, but start with a low concentration. Look how you plants react the next day and be alert for fert burn. If they like it, than you can raise...
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    Plant 5-6 weeks Middle East

    from where ru getting the fox farm soil?! i have been looking every where but could get it, i have got some other brand soil and mixed it with peat moss+perlite and bulding sand, and that seems to work, but now im looking for fets and cant get it,,so any idea which shop?? im dealing with...
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    Plant 5-6 weeks Middle East

    oooo ya sallam,, nice grow room you have out there.. im also living somewhere around u, but growing in ma closet, good good to know that im not the only one ;) happy grow bro
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    ww getting brown big spots+anther getting curly!!why

    im using amuminium foil for reflaction, could this be the resone of the sickness??? pls let me know
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    aluminum foil?

    can i use the other side of the gift wrap for reflaction, is it mylar???!!
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    ww getting brown big spots+anther getting curly!!why

    my seedlings are 2 weeks old, im growing in MG potting soil (feeds upto 3 months), the runoff ph is 6.7 and their under 225 actual CFL watt, and im getting brown spots only on my WW, i have anther Caramelicious plant which it leafs get curly.. it seems there is something wrong that makes...