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  1. J


    Might be a nice smoke tho. And they grow very tall twice as tall as my afgan strain at this stage about 4 weeks veg now on 12/12 as from tonite:)
  2. J


    Great Advice Guys thanks very much :)
  3. J


    Yes they were the free seeds from attitude m8
  4. J


    got abit of a prob with the thai ss leaves seem to be curling up and closing im sure this is down to heat stress but i could be wrong got a fan on the go as temperature is rather high at min
  5. J


    Im using a bio bizz all mix soil grow under 400 hps grolux ive currently been using baby bio plant food ( now i know most growers will laff there tits off @ this lol) but after quite a few grows and using canna a/b cannazyme etc ive getting best results by far by using baby bio lol
  6. J


    Well impressed with the replys on this i should be able to get molasses from my local hydro shop and ill go this way. Ive currently got thai ss and an afgan strain on the go put into 12/12 tonite looking forward to the results. Thanks guys the advice from diff growers is Very helpfull and much...
  7. J


    Quick Q has anyone used sugar during the flowering stage?? Ive been told this increases yield tenfold would like to know if this is just hearsay or not Thanks judge360
  8. J

    G13 thai super skunk - the attitude freebie grow journal

    im currently growing my thai ive just put them into my flowering room, setting them away 12/12 lighting tonite, im having a few leaf issues at min but i put this down to excessive heat as the temp in there is very very hot got a fan on the go now cool things down abit. leaves are curling up...
  9. J

    Small Flies

    Thanks for the reply guys yes they seem to come from the soil ive took your advice hopefully get rid of these pests Thanks Again Really Appreciated:-P
  10. J

    Small Flies

    Hi ive just noticed that there are very small flies in my grow room does anyone know how to get rid of them without causing any harm to my plants or are these flies harmless Thanks judge360
  11. J

    humidity and flowering help needed pls

    can too much humidity prolong the flowering period as a friend has a plant thats been flowering for 18 weeks and is still not ready and seems to be going back into veg stage at the top of the plant any help would be apreciated
  12. J


    Hi peeps could anyone tell me if ozone generators are any good ? from what i can gather or so ive been told is they stunt a plants growth? dunno if this is true and does anyone know if its that good with the odour control? many thanx in advance judge360 :joint: p.s is there anything else...
  13. J

    Odour Control

    Does anyone know a good way of keeping the smell down ive heard ozone generaters are good and quite cheap too any feedback on this would be apreciated thanks in advance:peace: Doesnt anyone know of anygood ways?
  14. J


    I was told today that if you prune a plant in veg stage at the top of the plant just as its forming its secondry leaves it will grow an extra 5 tops does anyone know if this works???? thanks
  15. J

    ************** Moderator Steps In ****************

    yeah i know that but it just goes to show you that someone could take anything thats said whether it was meant to be sarcastic or not the wrong way dunnit
  16. J

    ************** Moderator Steps In ****************

    Thats just as racist as calling someones nationality or colour i think you said the wrong thing there your just as bad as the people who are racist bout colour ! ps: have some respect for the people that have made this site what it is regardless of their nationality or colour peace to all
  17. J


    just a quick question can you put clones a week old under a 400 watt hps or is it too intense? thanx in advance
  18. J

    This sites safety

    just to let alot of peeps know its realy hard to get someones proper ip let alone someones address most ppl r behind a router so all any hackers r getting is the routers ip and most ppl use firewalls if u dont then u should iv messed with comps for years and neva once had my pc violated and...