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  1. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    Just chopped her tonight, let me know what you think!
  2. elementality

    Prices In Your Town

    Its nice to see other people from the twin cities.
  3. elementality

    First Grow-White Widow,Rubbermaid,CFLs

    It looks like a female. But its kinda hard to tell with the pics. I read a post about taking pictures with phones. If you have a magnifying glass, shoot through the magnifying glass. Check out my last post, I just tested it out and it worked awesome.
  4. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    Im hoping to have it done by 420. :bigjoint: Any guesses on how much i will yield?
  5. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    Not the greatest pics. But i needed an update
  6. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    Its just starting to smell awesome!
  7. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    I just put in my 100w HPS so i now have seven 26w cfls and a 100w hps for a total of 282watts. I also moved one plant into another box for cloning. Tonight i will start 18/6 for about 4-5 days then onto 12/12. I also got myself a little something to get ready for the next grow. :-P
  8. elementality

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    I am also in the heart of Minneapolis. I would love to move out into the country, or another state where its legal.
  9. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    what i did was take a paper towel and fold it in half, put the seeds on one side and fold it in half again. then i spray it with water and put it in a sealable sandwich bag leaving it a little full of air. then i stick it in my computer for 3 days
  10. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    I think i got them a little bit with the nute water. Some of the leaves have yellowish spots. I noticed some of the tips turning yellow too so i might have hit it too hard with nutes last time. Lookin good still.
  11. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    should i be trimming some of the bigger bottom leaves?
  12. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    started the LST let me know what you think
  13. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    just a little longer before i start the LST
  14. elementality

    First Grow-White Widow,Rubbermaid,CFLs

    im lookin at getting new fans for mine for when i put on a carbon filter and i was thinking about some of these
  15. elementality

    Elementality's first grow

    So today i had one of the worst days ever at work, drove home and got cut off by everyone. Thought it was gonna be a shitty rest of the day.... until i looked in the box. Went from the worst day ever to the biggest smile on my face. Check it out!