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  1. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    First grow using pineapple chunk from Barneys farm, in Coco Coir. I have 2 Blackstar 500's power consumption 290watts each and I suppose I could do a side by side comparison if anyone want's that ?
  2. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Hi there, I've been a bit absent from the thread as it has been going in a completely different direction as other information was being brought forward, but that is all good. Anyway to answer your question, the panel will be consuming 260watts and the price is going to be $590. It will do very...
  3. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Farting about with export licences and lots of red tape, sorry 'bout that, things are never simple :-(
  4. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    The only thing I am in two minds about at the moment is the 60 or 90 degree lens ? The climate here is the same as Florida 17C in the winter and 26c in the Summer. Just trying to find a happy medium !
  5. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Same case. Totally different specs to mine. Haha !! Oh but that one will perform the same as Advanced !
  6. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    5 per month to different friends addresses ? ;-)
  7. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Sorry, I have to agree with Enduro, HPS have been very successful for a long time and to be honest I wish I hadn't spent money on the LED's that I bought 3 years ago and then more 8 months ago, I felt like an idiot as my 600watt kicked their ass. However, if I hadn't then maybe I may have not...
  8. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    You are correct, I should have put it that way :-)
  9. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Yep I was going to go down that route but decided against it. If I may, lets just say that we have a fixture that is using 300watts , 100 for veg led's and 200 for flower. The advantage is of course that you only need 1 light but you're still only using 200w for flower the way the current led's...
  10. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Thank you very much for your advise, however I don't think we are talking about the same model ? Mine has 150 led's not 144, I think I know the one you are talking about but it is a different ball game altogether. I understand where you are coming from though regarding the inverse square law of...
  11. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    I've tried to keep the price as low as possible, originally thought around the $560 mark but opted for the slightly more expensive red led in the panel but I'm hopeful that it's still gonna be good value at $590 and my veg model will be $585 both units consuming 260-270watts each. I've also...
  12. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    You make some very valid points, I just don't want someone to neglect simple things like Ph for instance, I've seen grows on here with really bad results because of such instances where they forgot to calibrate their PH meter, unbelievable but it happens. A simple grow of say, four indicas, 3...
  13. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Hey guys, sorry to go off subject here but, I found a video of Spuzz on youtube. So I now reveal his true identity...
  14. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Ok I'll do that as soon as I get through all the red tape for importing and exporting licences, but like I said before, if it does work really well, I won't expect anyone to believe me after all the bs over the last few years. I thought the idea that was put forward by Petflora about letting...
  15. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Sorry I didn't mean to sound unkind, to be fair I would like to have someone do an unbiased test with lots of grow experience under their belt. However I will test it first myself but I don't see much point in putting my own results on here as it will only be for my own peace of mind to know...
  16. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    I'm not gone, I'm still very much here. I am amused by the fact that I am being accused of being a spammer (I ain't even got a company yet) and also by the fact that Spuzz is making a home made LED that will do no better than any other LED on the market because just as someone pointed out that...
  17. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    Haha ! Very Eloquent. You're from another LED company and I can pretty much guess which one, now go and hide back under the rock from which you came and think about the next scam you can rip people off with, ur not fooling me !!!
  18. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ? There's one ! Please enlighten yourself and here's the other Now if you check out my other threads you will see that I posted the second link quite a while BEFORE this thread started. Now here's also...
  19. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    HEADS UP EVERYONE. Check all the threads started by Spuzzum and make up your own mind where he/she is from ;-)
  20. maxpesh

    New Led Or Not ?

    I'm most certainly not using 2 different user names on here, dunno where you got that impression from. Have you heard the story of the girl who cried wolf ? Well it goes something like "Cry too many times and one day when you are genuine, no one will take any notice". Well, lies are the same...