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    Slow Clone Growth and Yellowish Leaves

    not 100% on the stunting problem as I'm just an amateur myself, but the gnats can be taken care of by either getting some neem oil or fly paper. Nutrient burn? how often are you feeding?
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    Help with pet problem....

    My cat has attacked some of my plants any one know how I can keep the stupid animal away? and is cat saliva poisonous to plants Sorry didn't know where else to post...
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    alright well how can I lower my PH?
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    Thx for the reply carl ^^ Temp seems like it would be a problem. Though a lot of them just are not affected at all though thats the weird part some of them have sky rocketed and have grow really well. but others have barely grown and look like the pics. ANy more opinions?
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    an 8 bulb cfl lights are about 2 or 3 inches away. I'm using a moister meter to determine whether they need to water it or not water them around every 3 days.
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    If that's so what do you think is wrong? :/
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    Thanks for all the responses. Eagle - I was informed that fox farm would provide ample nutes at least for 2 weeks :/
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    Transplanted, I havn't used a root hormone because at the time they were out of an organic one at the shop I visit. No a tent in a garage, humidity is 46-50%
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    It shouldn't be, the ph of the water is about 6.5-6.8 and the soil is around 6.8-7.0 that should be about right
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    Just like the topic says, Garage, grow can be hot in there some times gets to 84 degrees. Fox farm soil no nutes yet other than the soil just watering every now and than with water from a pur filter. Any help would be most appreciated ><
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    First time grower, need help plz ><

    thx for the reply man I just flushed the plants hopefully they will recover ><
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    First time grower, need help plz ><

    Few days ago some of my plants started getting spots on the leaves and curling and twisting, most of them arn't bad at all but one is pretty bad >< I wasn't sure if it had to do with too much nutrients or what so I stopped feeding them nutrients and just stuck with the water ><