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  1. F

    is my plant screwed?

    I just harvested my gdp and everything was perfect except my og plant next to it is looking near dead and the buds don't look anywhere near finished.
  2. F

    5 Band tri spectrum LED has anyone tried one of these new ones? offered with a 90 day no risk trial I am very curious to see the results from one of these.
  3. F

    Unwatered plants help

    **here is what they look like now
  4. F

    Unwatered plants help

    How long will it take to see improvement? Will the leaves bounce back
  5. F

    Unwatered plants help

    My plants were left unwatered for 9 days about 7 weeks into flowering and the leaves r all droopy and curled but they still feel kind of soft. Can they be saved???[]
  6. F

    Leaves drying and dying?

    My plants were unwatered for 9 days and r wilting pretty badly can they be saved?? They're about 7 weeks into flowering