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    rockwool clone to soil?

    Yes no problem. I put clones from rockwool cubes straight into soil with no probs. Once I even put a clone into rockwool...into soil... then later into a bigger pot of pea gravel and turned hydro on that plant and still no probs so yeah it will work:weed:

    Boobie Traps

    like this person said in another post... growone Mr.Ganja Mr. Ganja Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: New York Posts: 2,658 permalink booby trap as in inflicting significant body harm? not a good idea, this gives growers a bad name not to mention some VERY bad legal consequences - a cop...

    Boobie Traps

    I wouldnt booby trap. If your a good guerrilla grower, your plot wont be found. If your crop is spotted by the police they will just chop it down but if you set booby traps, you are endangering the public, and they will spend some $$$ to find you.

    Northern growers help please

    ...not to mention, high altitude

    Northern growers help please

    Thanks a lot sodalite. I really hope this works out for me, despite being at 58 or so degrees north lat.

    Northern growers help please

    Thanks everyone. The only prob is, im a gorilla grower and i cant be there everyday to cover the plants. If flowering starts in late July in most parts of the northern hemisphere, like Alexonfire said, Ive got approx 10 weeks (Aug 1-Oct 15)of flowering time before frost ruins my crop. This...

    Northern growers help please

    :roll:So where I live, it doesent decrease to 12 hrs daylight until around sept 1st... and we get frost approx october 15th... My question is... do the plants need exactly 12 hrs to start flowering?..or will the gradual decrease in daylight hours be enough to commence flowering early enough to...

    Water Pump for river water???

    If you plan 250x250, your gonna need lots of water. i'd make a reservoir and then rig up a couple mufflers to a small gas powered pump and fill the res up at night. I bet if you put a few mufflers on a pump, it would be quiet enough. You said you're worried about choppers too right? There's no...

    Indoor grower needs help for outdoors

    Im kinda new to the outdoor thing but this is what im thinking. -digging 3x3 holes or so - using organic soil -2 part organic potting soil. -1 part Perlite. -1 part Vermuclite. -1 part worm castings. -2tsp of Guano(n-veg/P-bud) -bone meal & blood meal -some Dolomite lime to...
  10. <TRICHOME>

    outdoor growing season? how long do i have?

    Im from nf too. the prob is sometimes it can rain for weeks at a time. But like some ppl already said... a mostly indica strain.
  11. <TRICHOME>

    Goin Organic

    thank you.
  12. <TRICHOME>

    Goin Organic

    that sounds great, but this year im going guerilla and just wanted to use organic soil...well this is what im thinking... -2 part organic potting soil. -1 part Perlite. -1 part Vermuclite. -1 part worm castings -blood/bone meal?? oh and some dolomite lime to keep a n ph. I planned on making...
  13. <TRICHOME>

    Goin Organic

    i heard someone on here once say " chemicaly grown weed burn your lips but organically grown weed give them smokey kisses" lol:clap:
  14. <TRICHOME>

    exhaust question

    my closet was 2x4 but keep in mind the door stayed open. i guess i should have mentioned that. If your goin stealth then you should use a cool tube.
  15. <TRICHOME>

    how often do I flood (ebb and flow)

    3 times during the lighted hours with fast draining medium worked fine for me.
  16. <TRICHOME>

    exhaust question

    I did a 400 watt hps in a 2x4 closet too. i just used a bathroom fan from home depot and kept a oscillating fan blowing at the plants and there were no heat issues.
  17. <TRICHOME>

    Goin Organic

    I have been using chemical fertz in my flood and drain system. I hear that organic smoke is tastier?
  18. <TRICHOME>

    no prob. but i think with good genetics and big holes with good soil and care will yield at...

    no prob. but i think with good genetics and big holes with good soil and care will yield at least a dried qp / plant. Thats just my guess tho. Good luck, keep us updated
  19. <TRICHOME>

    Goin Organic

    So ive been dreaming about going organic to see how things turn out. The more I read, the more it seems to be the way to go for good smoke, and I hear of good yields.:idea: I wonder if plants living off chemical fertalizers is kinda like humans living off vitimins instead of natural sources lol?
  20. <TRICHOME>

    wow well i know you will love it. he's awesome

    wow well i know you will love it. he's awesome