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  1. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    its a girl and everythings going good. thanks for the help ill post pics soon and when i harvest
  2. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    so there are pistils popping up all along the plant. im excited because i think its a girl and not a hermie. still absolutely no sign of balls. only pistils. ill put pics on once i get a chance
  3. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    thanks alot mejuana. the droop was from the first post in this thread. now its fine im just trying to sex it. its on day 14 of flower and still not many signs. would a male show by now? also a branch broke today. well it bent. i have it propped up and its level, but its starting to droop. will...
  4. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    im going to keep posting because theres this little part of me that hopes i can still get some help. im not 100% on what im doing and any help, comments, suggestions, criticism, or just plain meanness is welcomed. i am a noobie and im here to make friends with the same views as myself and to...
  5. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    so heres what it looks like right now. just took the pics. any insight?
  6. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    ok so im pretty sure its a hermie or a full fledged male. ill post pics asap. just wondering if i can water with carbonated water? someone told me sprite but i disregarded it then started thinking that maybe club soda or something will work. any suggestions/.
  7. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    i think its a male.... is there any way to get bud from it? otherwise im still gonna mature it and make hash.
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    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    i dont have a height restriction, just a time one. need to have at least the light off by july. money is also an issue which is why i went with the compacts
  9. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    ill post pics in a second.
  10. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    thank you cotton. yea i know how to tell sex, and thank you for that pic. but ive never seen the bulge like that before. haha today is only the second day of flowering, im just so excited, i dont care if it was called mids by the dealer, this shit is hairy and beautiul, yet treated poorly and...
  11. M

    Light green mids with red hairs

    dude this sounds crazy but i think ihave the same exact bud as you growing right now. it looks and smells exactly like you describe and ill try to post up some pics of it today. check out my thread though to see the plant. its 3 or 4 days into flowering. i have it written down im just too high...
  12. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    sweet thank you. can i get some advice on what to do with my plant? proper pruning and things like that. do the lights look close enough. i measured and theyrre 2 inches away. ive been watching them all day and nothing has changed yet. Im just thankful theyre still green.
  13. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    heres what it looks like today.:wall: basically the same but more leaves look droopy. still very green. flushing after i post. are there any signs of the sex yet? tested the water runoff and ph is 6.8 good or bad? the ph in the soil with the plant is 6.3
  14. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    i really appreciate the help dj. i hope youll stick around to see how my plant turns out. also did you see the bulge i was referring to? its in the last pic on the pit between the main stem and the branches
  15. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    ive always heard to stay away from miracle gro. i also cant take pics, my baby is sleeping right now. once the lights on ill post them up
  16. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    ok i will move them closer and repost pics. yes it was brand new peat moss. its miss bonnies tomatoe nutrients from home depot. also the outdoor was morea of a fantasy. i think if i do it ill be indoors again. i just want to grow some dank instead of this bag seed
  17. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    thanks. i did flush them on the 9th and the drainage was good. should i maybe do it again? the soil is dry enough for another watering. and by too far away do you mean too high or too far out? also id like to mention that i only fed it a quarter of the recomended amount of nutes. thanks for the...
  18. M

    Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling

    I posted a new thread here because i realized I was in the wrong one with my other post. so i will repost the pics and my problem. I figured the cola thing out. well this is just some decent bagseed but it was looking really good until i put it in flower. i gave it its first nutes at 1/4...
  19. M

    Where do the colas form?

    ok so here are some pics. the ones that look lively are from the same day as my first post asking about the colas. the next 10 were taken today. for some reason it wouldnt let me choose in what order to put the photos. i dont understand what happened with my plant. i gave it its first nutes at...
  20. M

    Where do the colas form?

    thanks for that mr poo. lol. my plant is now a month and a half old and I am going to put it into flowering. I have a question a bout the process though, what do i do? ive heard alot of things like to leave the lights off for 24 hours then put it into 12/12. but im not sure. can i just change...