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  1. bluntiot

    growing weed in prison new help

    how long are you in for? is it prison or jail? props though id be thinking about the same thing in your situation lol, its a fellonuy to bring illegal substances into dettention centers though so just be weary that u will add to your time if you get caught
  2. bluntiot

    accidently gave 12 hrs of dark for one day

    thank you so much lol, that takes some stress off my mind, waking up at six every day was getting old again
  3. bluntiot

    ozone generators

    ive read that it can cause like oxidation or the equivalent of that to foliage, but i may just be an idiot also.
  4. bluntiot

    Never Seen Anything Like IT...

    your tempting me to try that on a little guy, how big and what kind of light do u have? hopefully it wont affect the quality
  5. bluntiot

    accidently gave 12 hrs of dark for one day

    i have a timer but i heard most cheap ones keep one of the plug prongs hot and that it can damage your ballast so ive been doing it manually, i need to get a special one i think but ill hoowk it back up today thanks for the help
  6. bluntiot

    accidently gave 12 hrs of dark for one day

    so i accidently didnt turn my light on this morning and it was 12 hours since i turned it off, will my plants start flowering that fast? or should i just give them a little extra light tonite or what? i dont want to have to wait for reveg, so if im fucked ill just bid them they are all indicas...